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Posts posted by Wall-E

  1. I've made some progress, sorta

    Following the guide here I re-flashed my router and followed the steps

    My setup:


    eth0 set to static ip
    router set to
    smartphone ip:
    I can access both the internet & router at the same time

    dhcp file:

    config 'dnsmasq'
    option 'domainneeded' '1'
    option 'filterwin2k' '0'
    option 'local' '/lan/'
    option 'domain' 'lan'
    option 'expandhosts' '1'
    option 'nonegcache' '0'
    option 'authoritative' '1'
    option 'readethers' '1'
    option 'leasefile' '/tmp/dhcp.leases'
    option 'resolvfile' '/tmp/resolv.conf.auto'
    option 'boguspriv' '0'
    option 'localise_queries' '0'
    config 'dhcp' 'lan'
    option 'interface' 'lan'
    option 'start' '100'
    option 'limit' '150'
    option 'leasetime' '720m'
    option 'ignore' '0'
    list 'dhcp_option' '3,'
    list 'dhcp_option' '6,'
    config 'dhcp' 'wan'
    option 'interface' 'wan'
    option 'ignore' '1'
    option 'start' ''
    option 'limit' ''
    option 'leasetime' ''

    network file:

    config 'interface' 'loopback'
    	option 'ifname' 'lo'
    	option 'proto' 'static'
    	option 'ipaddr' ''
    	option 'netmask' ''
    config 'interface' 'lan'
    	option 'ifname' 'eth0'
    	option 'type' 'bridge'
    	option 'proto' 'static'
    	option 'netmask' ''
    	option 'macaddr' ''
    	option 'ipaddr' ''
    	option 'ip6addr' ''
    	option 'ip6gw' ''
    	option 'dns' ''
    	option 'gateway' ''

    and I edited /karma/www/cgi-bin/functions.rb

    under "def create_interface()" added:

    system("sleep 1")
    system("brctl addif br-lan ath0 2>&1 > /dev/null")

    On backtrack I execute the commands in instructions with adjusting wlan0 to easytether0 (usb tether to my phone)

    echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
    sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o easytether0 -j MASQUERADE

    What the problem is:

    Not being able to duplicate the steps and initiate connection after restart. The first time I tried this I was able to connect my ipad to the router and got the following addresses on my ipad connection:

    IP address:
    Subnet mask:
    Search Domain: lan

    I was browsing with good speeds, then I shutdown everything and came back to try to connect the same ipad, but it wasn't getting any ip address. I tried a different ipad and a laptop, but still got the same issue.

    Hours later I tried again and after connecting and disconnecting the interface on the Karma page and issuing the backtrack commands that I used earlier I was able to connect again. I tried to dublicate my same steps just to confirm it will work again and it didn't work!

    •I tried connecting from different distance from the router and restart my backtrack machine and the router several times and also my ipads with no luck. The devices connect fine, but they don't get issued an ip address.

    •I also tried booting up backtrack and setup all my eth0 and my easytether0 connections before turning on the router (just to see if maybe there is a conflicting setting between the laptop and the router and maybe the router will pick up the settings from backtrack), but no luck there.

    • never made changes in the dhcp file or the network file and I was able to have devices connect to my router the several times I was able too so I know the settings are correct, but if there is a problem with them I don't mind making a change.

    I'm happy with the progress I made so far, but I want this to work all the time, not one out 10 tries. Any ideas what the problem might be??

  2. I can't seem to find the edit button to edit add-on to my posts

    To forward traffic I'm using:

    ifconfig eth0 netmask
    echo '1' > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
    iptables -X
    iptables -F
    iptables -A FORWARD -i easytether0 -o eth0 -s -m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT
    iptables -A FORWARD -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
    iptables -A POSTROUTING -t nat -j MASQUERADE
    route del default
    route add default gw easytether0

  3. *Correction* Earlier I meant to say Airbase-ng not Aireplay-ng

    I've made some progress.

    I gave my eth0 a static ip of and I rebooted my backtrack. I've tried setting a static ip before, but forgot about the step of restarting the network file and then I would revert back to my old settings so that's why the settings never got implemented.

    Here are my new findings:

    setting a static ip for eth0 lets me access the router's webif & also I'm able to connect to the internet through my droid tether (easytether0)

    when I SSH into the router and ping: (which is ip for eth0) I get replies back :) (which is the easytether gw) I get replies back :) (which is the easytether0) I get replies back :) no replies back <_<

    cnn.com no replies back <_< BUT I get this:

    root@OpenWrt:~# ping cnn.com
    PING cnn.com ( 56 data bytes

    which displays the real ip address for the website.

    Any ideas what I'm missing here that's not enabling me from pinging those sites? Also I tried to connect to the access point, but it's not giving an IP address to my Ipad :huh:

  4. Hi,

    I'm using an open-mesh router and flashed it according "Building or Unbricking guide" on the hak5 home page. I verified access to webif and Karma site with no problems.

    For now I'm not interested in the Karma bit and deauthing clients and having them connect to my AP instead of the real one. I'm trying to use the Jasager as an AP instead of using Aireplay to create an AP. I’ve read the forums about the automatic scripts that enables everything for me, but really I’m trying to do things myself one step at a time to understand the process, then maybe I will use the scripts later when I know how everything works.

    I used the guide on karmetasploit to edit the settings on my router to:

    config dnsmasq
    option domainneeded     1
    option boguspriv        1
    option filterwin2k      '0'  #enable for dial on demand
    option localise_queries 1
    option local    'lan'
    option domain   'lan'
    option expandhosts      1
    option nonegcache       0
    option authoritative    1
    option readethers       1
    option leasefile        '/tmp/dhcp.leases'
    option resolvfile       '/tmp/resolv.conf.auto'
    config dhcp lan
    option interface        lan
    option start    100
    option limit    150
    option leasetime        12h
    option ignore 0
    list dhcp_option 3,
    list dhcp_option 6,,
    list dhcp_option 6,,
    config dhcp wan
    option interface        wan
    option start 100
    option limit 150
    option leasetime 12h
    option ignore 1
    list dhcp_option 3,
    list dhcp_option 6,,
    list dhcp_option 6,,

    config interface loopback
    option ifname   lo
    option proto    static
    option ipaddr
    option netmask
    config interface lan
    option ifname   eth0
    option type bridge
    option netmask
    option proto    static
    option ipaddr
    option gateway
    option dns

    Next in bt5 I connected my wlan0 to my home internet using wicd then I ran

     ifconfig eth0 netmask 

    and I could log in to the router on before the ip address for eth0 changes to for some reason!

    Another thing I noticed is every time I disconnect from my eth0 connection on wicd to try to connect to the wireless, the wireless connects fine for a minute before automatically disconnecting and going back to the eth0 connection like wicd is forcing eth0 to be the primary connection, which causes me to lose connectivity to the internet and also I'm not able to access the webif page because the ip address is on a different range than the set 192.168.0.x

    I’ve tried changing those settings in wicd:

    Under Preferences & General Settings

    Network interfaces

    I unchecked always show wired interface

    I unchecked always switch to a wired connection when available

    Under wired automatic connection

    I choose prompt for wired network profile

    Under Automatic reconnection

    I unchecked automatically reconnect on network connection loss

    And still the connection keeps disconnecting the wireless and connecting to the wired & changing the eth0 address to as I verified by running ifconfig.

    I’m not sure if this is a linux issue or a setting that I did wrong on the router.

    Any ideas what the problem might be?

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