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Posts posted by KiLL3R DRiLL3R

  1. I have rented a web server from crazy domains and have been using it for years. I just don't want to pay for a bunch of servers. The main problem is that I loose interest in that game or we just stop playing it. Besides, "we" for me is a max of 5 people.

  2. Hey all! I have a question. does Optus (Australia) allow you to host small servers on your internet connection. I host few few game servers for me and my friends to play on but I wondering if you are allowed to by Optus. Thanks in advance.

  3. So under which category does the anti virus belong to ? Or is it a Hardware Antivirus, then I should get one of those :unsure: :D

    The anti virus is listed to prevent the type of virus that would tweak your system to wreck it. Such as changing the fan speeds really low. That's why I included an anti virus in the hardware tips.

  4. 7. You forgot to mention about nicotine and how badly they affect computers.

    8. Encrypting your hard drive also reduces the chances of someone stealing your data in case it goes missing or stolen.

    9. Antivirus alone will not protect your computer effectively against threats, a firewall and a regular software update should be maintained.

    10. Use strong and complex password.

    In this case I sticking only to protecting the hardware. I will make a tip for software later on. Thanks for the advice!

  5. Hey guys my name is Conor and I have some tips and tricks I want to share with the community. I have recently setup a website for this and need some advice of my own as to setting things up.

    All tips I post here are linked back to my website so feel free(in fact welcomed) to check it out.

    How to take care of your laptop

    1. Don't eat or drink whilst next to your laptop. If you eat at the same place, close the lid whilst eating or drinking.

    2. Get a laptop cooling pad. These increase the flow of cool air inside the case and will make your laptop cooler. Make sure the fans line up with the vents.

    3. If you are going to drink near you computer, then do not drink anything but water. If you were to spill the water, then at worst, it would fry your motherboard instantly. But if you are drinking Coca cola and it splits, it could slowly corrode the components. In the case of a spill. Quickly remove the battery and leave it disconnected for about eight hours in a warm room. This will help drain the computer. By all means put it next to a fan but DO NOT use a hair dryer. They may overheat the components.

    4. If you are scared of spilling liquids on your laptop, then consider a spill-proof keyboard. Many laptops today come with these and have vents to drain the water away from the components. I still recommend following the procedure in tip no. 3.

    5. Backup all of your files. It's a laptop. They can get stolen and have a higher chance of breaking the hard drive. There are many programs available for backup up your computer but your best bet is cloning software which can make an exact copy of your hard drive. Backup at least every month to avoid catastrophic loss of files and programs. If you have a MacBook, then consider buying a external hard drive and using Time Machine. Note, if you are going to use a program such as Time Machine, then make sure you get a hard drive about double the size of your current hard drive. Storing your files on the internet is also a great idea because if something happens (like your house burns down) then your files are safe on the web. The downside of this is that people can get to your files if they have the right knowledge and tools.

    6. If you go out with your laptop, never leave it alone. I can also guarantee it will get stolen or be hacked into. There are many ways hackers can obtain a lot of information in a matter of minutes. Never let it out of your site!

    6. Get a good anti virus. Try not to stick with the free anti viruses as they normally do not have all of the features that you need. Some viruses can actually wreck your hardware. If you have to get a free anti virus I highly recommend avast! anti virus free edition.

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