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Posts posted by indefinite

  1. Actually, uninstalling default backfire kmod-madwifi and replacing it with patched drivers from Digininja's site doesn't seem to break wifi, regardless whether that's appropriate or not.

    However, I'm not able to install the package itself.

    Collected errors:
     * pkg_hash_fetch_best_installation_candidate: Packages for jasager found, but incompatible with the architectures configured
     * opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package jasager.

    Just in case anyone would be wondering, I installed OpenWRT based on their wiki and downloaded updated images based on links there.

    On the other hand, when I install karma after replacing drivers and try to run it with what seems like any default configuration, I get this:

    init_pcap: pcap_open_offline: bad dump file format

    That leads me to believe, I have something messed up with my libpcap, which is at 1.0.0-2. All this with a Fonera+.

    I bet I'm missing something blatantly obvious, but I'm not able to figure it out when being exhausted.

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