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Posts posted by LiquidSpikes

  1. Get a used Apple Macbook Pro if you can. the new ones are not much better than the resent Santa Rosa ones.

    MSI has some pretty good laptops too

    also a great review I have used in the past is www.notebookreview.com

  2. I would suggest the Macbook or if you can afford it the Macbook pro. :grin:

    I have had mine for about 8 months and I love it!

    I did upgrade the memory to 4GB myself so I was able to save myself serious $$$

    Also Apple has some great student discounts! :cool:

    anyways hacking wise,

    backtrack 3 beta works wonderfully on it. full wireless support out of the box! even wireless packet injecting!

    you can crack 128 WEP in 2-3 minutes....if that  :shock:

    This is also the only laptop that can run Windows, OSX and Linux natively and legally.

    Yes I know some Dell or whatever laptops can run OSX with the OSX86 project but OSX works the best on mac hardware.

  3. Hello everyone.

    I just bought a Xbox 360 and was wondering if there was a HAK5 halo 3 clan.....or players....

    My Gamer Tag is AlexZimm, add me if would....

    also I found a site that offers free Xbox online play... it takes some work to setup but it works well.


    thanks guys.

  4. I love Fedora 6 and the IPW2200 driver was easy as hell to setup.

    all you need to do is extract the firmware into the firmware folder.

    its a great beginner Linux with a huge fan base.

    I am with Vako I hate Ubuntu, its ugly and slow as sin :x


    thats my opinion 8)

  5. <_<





    yeah I hate giving money to the microsuck butt heads, but I will be buying my Windows Vista just because I dont want to be sued by microsuck. plus all the crap they have been doing lately with WGA, guys I am just plain sick of it I think I am just gunna buy it this time.

  6. First make a deal with your neighbor and say he/she can play your Wii if he lets you play online using his internet connection. Or make a offer to him/her to secure their wireless router if they let you connect once in a while..or if all else fails offer to pay half the bill that always works =D

    and to answer the connection problem the wireless routers ports are most likely misconfigred, to make sure all the ports are open for your Wii, just go to into the wireless router ( most of the time) into the port fowarding settings area, and set the Wii's IP address as the DMZ or NAT connection.

    Have fun!

  7. "How can anyone think this is a good idea?!?!?! Unless in the box is a few hundred in cash."
    "That would be worth a lot, if the zune didn't suck!"

    I am glad you guys had the same reaction as I did lol

  8. First try some Live CDs and play with Linux a little bit to get a feel of it, Knoppix is a good live CD and Mepis is also good.

    But for a installable version of Linux you cant beat Fedora Core 6....

    I love my FC6! its great, it doesn't come with a war driving scanner out of the box unlike some other distros, don't worry you can get one easily.

    I would say Fedora is great for a first time Linux OS and there is a great amount of users and help out if you run into any problems.

    sigh up for a login @ http://www.fedoraforum.org/ the guys there are great for help. ( you can feel free to PM me here too)

    Don't worry about programing, you can program almost anything in Linux, but you will miss Visual Studios or at least I did....:(

    but don't let that turn you away, I love my Linux! it runs any video file or audio file it can also Emulate almost anything TI-80 calculator to a Playstation. plus the download speeds on files are so much faster than on my XP or Vista.

    I highly recommend Linux.

    Welcome to world of Linux!

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