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Posts posted by SordFish

  1. Added to the todo list.

    I've just got to get round to doing them! I'm home alone for most of this week so assuming I can get my new fon's flashed I'll get some stuff done and get a new release out.

    I've actually managed to get the led working myself, its a little dirty as its more of an educated guess but it does the job! but i've semi-bricked my fon atm (bad network conf) so need to go in via serial to fix it then tidy it up.

  2. Is the WLAN LED supposed to light up after the whole process is complete as it does not on mine irregardless of whether Karma is turned on via the web interface or not...

    WLAN led doesn't light up at all with openwrt, unless you specifically tell it to with the gpio settings.

    Would be cool if digininga could turn WLAN led on when karma is activated.

    just need to have proc_gpio installed and run

    * # turn gpio pin on

    * echo 1 >/proc/gpio/2_out


    * # displays the status of the switch, 1 on, 0 off

    * cat /proc/gpio/2_out


    * # turn gpio pin off

    * echo 0 >/proc/gpio/2_out

  3. A couple of options, you could look at what the fon bomb actually uses and see if you could just copy the stuff across to Jasager or, if we can get lorcon working on the fon then I've got a deauth script written in ruby that works really well.

    I like the idea of lorcon on the fon, I'll add it to the todo list. If you look at the bomb and find anything please report back.

    I'd really love lorcon on the fon for Airpwn! I've looked into cross compiling it for myself, but I don't fancy the deep end as a first project.

    The Fon Bom uses Legend firmware with MDK3 in deauth mode, got the info from Here

  4. My pc has these settings:



    The fon when it comes out the box uses dhcp so im not sure if flashing openWRT assigns the FON nic a static (the address im trying to telnet to).

    So two questions:

    What the hell have I done wrong here and why? (ANY help would be very appreciated)

    Is my FON now useless and beyond repair?

    I've found that the computer and the fon have to be in the same ip range.

    the fon ip will be so your computer needs to be for it to work.

  5. Ouch that 32mb upgrade mod looks quite the pain.

    I guess you never did the xbox ram mod either then :lol:

    Well beyond any level of soldering I can do. If someone wants to volunteer to do me an upgrade at Toorcon I'll provide the Fon.

    I'm going to be doing this once i get some chipquik if it goes to plan i could probably do one for you if dont get sorted at Toorcon.

    Does the Fon have any USB hookup? Mount a USB card reader or external HDD for the space.

    There's already an SD/MMC mod


  6. Great I'll have a poke around on that fon later.

    I've also just flashed another fon with the latest stock openwrt and i've got a few errors so far installing the jasager_1.ipk

    chown: /karma_www: No such file or directory
    chown: /etc/rc.d/S91karma_ui: No such file or directory
    cat: /karma_www/.version: No such file or directory
    WARNING: Installation may have failed.
     Detected r is installed, but this is r0.1.

    on the web interface

    Invalid command : get_karma Invalid command : get_karma_bw

    and if i click on the change button to enable karma i get

    Invalid command : get_karma Content-type: text/html Invalid command : karma

    Edit rebooted and the web interface errors have gone!

    Seem to be working great, I disabled my wireless ap and the fon jumped straight in and windows auto connected!

    i think next i'm going to look into some dhcp and upsidedownternet

    also best place is ebay for fons, I grabbed a free one and got one of ebay for under £10

  7. can you even solder? If you cant i wouldn't bother IMHO, just sell it and buy one with a connector or pigtail already attached or get some one who know whats they are doing.

    At the end of the day you will just probably end up breaking it.

    you cannot just "touch" the wire on the solder and expect any improvement.

    Also what are you using this for? war driving or cracking yours/someone else's AP? if you were using it for war driving you should of bought an Orinoco classic gold/Orinoco usb. They are cheap enough, i just bought 2 for £10.

    I suggest you do a lot of research and _then_ give it a shot.

  8. 3726673745009a5a5f5bme8.jpg

    don't blame me if it breaks, but at first glance i would try with a pigtail to bare wire

    red = middle wire

    blue = shielding

    Using a tv antenna will not work, you have to get wire and an antenna that is made for the 2.4ghz frequency and is the right resistance (50 ohm iirc).

    the copper square is just ground, its normally used for rf shielding for the chipset.

  9. The phone doesn't have a USB host so making a cable and connecting the adapter will do nothing.

    The only way i can even remotly see a way of doing this is with a device you could connect to with bluetooth. Have that do the scanning and forward the data to the phone.

    So if you could mod a dd-wrt capable router so it has a bluetooth device (is it possible? serial to bluetooth maybe?) then you could go the route VaKo mentioned with it being a kistmet drone and some magic code that forwarded the data to the phone.

    Oh and one last thing before you go even further, the python sdk may not even have access to the hardware level of the phone so you couldn't even do anything with python.

    Failing all that just spend the £/$10-15 on the key chain

    If you manage to succeed do let us know i love fun projects like this.

  10. thanks for that info saves me looking for it when i eventually get the hub.

    From my brief searching i couldnt find anything firmware wise. I've also go a bt voyager 2500v and found that has been built with gpl source code, an i've found the kit to build some sort of broadcom firmware. Hopefully this one is built similar

    it would be nice to "fix" the isp lock for the voip etc. also handy to have the hub firware a little more relaxed so i could use it as a extra wifi/voip acess point.

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