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Posts posted by LuckyPhil

  1. Loved the content, pacing, concept, feel, etc. was good. Yeah there were glitches... all part of the show's character, and they'll sort themselves out over time. As this grows larger imho you should pre-book the callers screening for content, audio and video quality, then call them during the course of the show... having backups in case some fall through.

  2. YES YES YES!!! Oh God YES!

    I loved this game for many years and would gnaw off my own head for the opportunity to play it with 20-30 of my closest haklings :)

    *straps on energy pack, picks up some mines and grabs disc launcher* Let's roll!

  3. <obvious>

    Set up and idiot proof Ubuntu for her. Put icons on her desktop for all her common tasks. Ensure she does not know the Administrator password. Create a ghost image of her setup while it's working and store offsite.


  4. It was tongue in cheek. there was no malice in 8.5. He made fun of the criticism, but also made fun of himself, blogging the cat and whatnot, the main message was "this is what the show's about, it's not hacker school".

    If you were insulted you need thicker skin.

    Learn to laugh at yourself...

  5. http://www.steadmanband.com

    These guys were with Arista Records, then Elektra, then they got screwed over in a record company takeover, so now they beg us to steal their music.

    I enjoyed their albums Loser Friendly and Revive so much I sent them some money, and they're on high rotation on my iPod.

    They make their money from some music they contributed to some tv shows and their portrayal on American Dreams, as well as live performances. Giving away music gets your name out there.

    When will the old men in suits learn this? *sigh*

  6. InFive will return soon according to what I have seen in IRC. I encourage everyone here to join us there. irc.techphile.ca is the server, #hak5 is the channel. Be there or be... something or other...

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