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Posts posted by x_marksthespot

  1. Well I’ve been taking in consideration everything that you guys have been saying and by now I guess that using TOR is be best idea,

    What I know about the Network is very limited, lets see:

    - It’s in use a Automatic Configuration Scrip (that I can access from the IE “LAN Settings†menu)

    - The script looks like this: http://pac.lb.â€companynameâ€.corp/cgi-bin/pac.pl

    - In the IP Definitions I have: DHCP Activated & Metric Interface: 1

    - In the DNS I unchecked the box that says: “Register this connection’s addresses in DNS

    - In WINS I have: LMHOST search activated & Deactivate NetBIOS trough TCPIP

    And just by this config I can access the net. It was bean said that the network could be contaminated by my pc for seeing some more inappropriate sites like porn and such, but it isn’t like that at all, like I’ve mentioned before, I work with some applications that require using the net, and also mails, searches and so on.

    So is it safe to use TOR or can I be detected, or my location on the network, wend I plug in the notebook?

    Once Again Thanks to all of you guys

  2. Hello Guys

    The question that I have is quite simple… Let’s say that I have access to my office network but instead of using the office pc, I take my notebook with the same config to give me the same access to the network, what I’m most interested is having web access Without being seen, mainly because I view some sites that I work as admin in my notebook and some web applications that need to access the internet wile I’m on the office -)

    Resuming I wanna be on the network without being seen, Is that possible?

    If use the program HideIP to change my location, can that just do it?

    Thanks guys for your time & I hope that someone can help me

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