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Posts posted by Manna732

  1. and she shouldn't know the truth about you stealing her account details?

    Doesn't make it less illegal.

    If you think it is respectable for me to tell her that I logged into her account whatever I find, then I will do this. If you aren't willing to help me, then ok :(

  2. LOL Snooping much lol,

    But if you realy wanted to sniff her password, just boot up wire shark while shes on your network , or put a keylogger on your pc,

    Just a reminder, "Its not illegal to key log your own pc " And its all so not illegal to access your pc that might just have her session cookie, " and didn't Realize you were on her face book page


    As I said, she doesn't use the PC to logon, she uses her phone. When I start capturing on wireshark, I don't see anything relevant in terms of logon details. I need a guide if possible

    So if you did some thing that was illegal and behind her back, it's ok because it's you and not her?

    I don't understand, I just want to know the truth.

    Well... it is if the intention is to steal other peoples passwords

    All I want to do is login, check her messages and then logout.

  3. What will you tell her when she asks if you accessed her facebook/email account without her consent?

    If I find out she is not cheating on me then a huge amount of stress will be lifted from me. If this is true, she would not know I accessed her account. If I found out she is cheating on me, then I will admit I accessed her account and explain it was for good reason.

  4. I am really concerned over a relationship I have with my girlfriend. I suspect that she is cheating on me with a guy she met on Facebook called Daniel. I keep asking her for the truth but she swears she is faithful to me. I don’t want to be going out with a girl who is cheating on me, I cannot live like that.

    I was wondering if there is a way to logon to her Facebook account to see if there are messages from Daniel on there. Alternatively, if I can logon to her Hotmail account, I can read her Facebook notifications and see if Daniel is talking to her. I can easily reset her passwords and force entry but then she would know it’s me that did that. She connects to Facebook via her mobile phone. She gets the internet connection over wi-fi from the router beside the main PC downstairs. This PC and network is controlled by me, I have encrypted it with WPA2 and I know all the details. Since I have control over the network, is there a way I can sniff her Facebook or Hotmail details out?

    She never logs onto her Hotmail or Facebook on the PC, so I cannot install a keylogger, she only uses her phone. I am asking for some help here, and if this is not possible, I think I will have to end the relationship as I cannot live like this for much longer. I do not wish to cause her harm, or edit her accounts, I just want to know the truth!

    Thanks for possible help and sorry if I am causing offence.

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