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Posts posted by Flex

  1. Ubuntu 11.04 is really nice, in my opinion it's more user friendly and unity looks really nice :)

    Also the fast searching through your files and programms is really nice, also quite fast.

    is it possible to uninstall unity and replace it with something else

    It's possible but you can also login into the ubuntu classic instead of unity.

    Ubuntu classic will be the same the other previous version of Ubuntu.

    However if you really want to uninstall it you can also use: sudo apt-get remove unity

  2. If he would use this for DoSing people or website's, then hes acting illegal and he can get in huge troubles (with police).

    All the DoS attempts are mostly logged and easy to get the IP address from the person who is DoSing.

    So Kabel Optic, please only use these things for testing your servers firewall from being secure against DoS attacks.

  3. Hello,

    DDoS to harm people's network, or to down websites is illegal and you can get in huge troubles.

    First for all I'd like to seriously recommend you to don't use this for such as things like these.

    A DDoS is an attack from multiple computers, So you will need more computers.

    Also its important you have a quite good internet connection urself (Else you might crash yourself).

    I recommend to use a server for this too cause a server has a quite more better internet connection(VPS servers are already available from like €8 p/m).

    Also make sure if you use a server your host isn't blocking DoS attacks.

    First you need the target's IP address ofcourse and make sure you are flooding an open port.

    Do a port scan to check which ports are open.

    There are different tools already made for DoS attacks.

    Hping3 has a flood mode built-in which send quite alot packets to the destination.

    There are quite alot more tools for DoSing. Backtrack 5 has some already (Applications -> Stress Testing).

    I know this cause I've been testing my servers firewall for being DoS proof.

    You should use it for these purposes too, and not for crashing people's internet connection or downing websites

  4. Hello,

    I'm running Backtrack 5 on in an VM (VMware Workstation) and I am getting troubles when I try to do a arpspoof on our LAN Network (not an other VM).

    I used the tutorial of Hak5:

    Doing this I'm getting this error:

    arpspoof: couldn't arp for host[/CODE]

    The LAN Computer's Network Address is:

    Im doing to following things for ARP Spoofing:

    cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
    echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
    cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

    arpspoof -t
    CTRL+a S (Split)
    CTRL+a TAB (Jumping to next display region)
    CTRL+a C (Create the session in region)
    arpspoof -t

    The first one giving me an result, but the second one (arpspoof -t gives the error I gave above.

    My ifconfig looks like this:

    [CODE]eth1 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:0c:29:27:8d:30
    inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
    inet6 addr: fe80::20c:29ff:fe27:8d30/64 Scope:Link
    RX packets:1446 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
    TX packets:2823 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
    collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
    RX bytes:89969 (89.9 KB) TX bytes:148952 (148.9 KB)
    Interrupt:19 Base address:0x2024

    Instead of I also tried using (which is the one on the PC running the VM) which is also not working.

    If anyone could help me, I would really apriciate that :)

    If any more information is needed, tell me :)


    Melvin Koopmans

  5. Hello,

    I tried to install backtrack on my USB stick.

    I used "unetbootin" for doing this.

    I downloaded the Backtrack-Final ISO, not the VMWare one and installed it on the USB (16GB).

    I booted the USB and selected "Start backtrack in Text Mode", and typed in "startx".

    Startx should startup an Graphical Interface but in my case it didn't. I said: "startx: Command not found".

    Did I do anything wrong? Please tell me

    Thanks :)

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