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Posts posted by JohnArtisan

  1. ' let the system know about the change

    oShell.Run _

    "%windir%System32RUNDLL32.EXE user32.dll,UpdatePerUserSystemParameters", _

    1, True

    Does this update it on reboot, or while still active? because it does not update it on mine untill I reboot.

    It should not need a reboot. I've tried it on 2 2000 machines and 3 or 4 xp systems without any problems, not sure why it's not working for you?

  2. This is the script that I use it will apply a random wallpaper (only bitmaps) each time you run it.

    ' Random Wallpaper Changer

    'the only files allowed in wallpaper directory are bmp's

    option explicit

    Dim oShell, fold, fileset, fileCount

    Dim counter, fileToPick, randomFile, fso, file, sWallPaper

    Set oShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    'change "getFolder" to your path

    Set fold = fso.GetFolder("C:Wallpaper")

    Set fileset = fold.files

    fileCount = fileset.count

    if fileCount > 0 then

    'random file from folder

    counter = 1


    fileToPick = clng((rnd * fileCount) + 0.5)

    for each file in fileset

    if counter < fileToPick then

    counter = counter + 1


    randomFile = file.path

    exit for

    end if



    response.write "Wallpaper directory is empty."

    end if

    set fileset = nothing

    set fold = nothing

    set fso = nothing

    sWallPaper = randomFile

    ' update in registry

    oShell.RegWrite "HKCUControl PanelDesktopWallpaper", sWallPaper

    oShell.RegWrite "HKCUControl PanelDesktopTileWallpaper", 0 'Do not tile wallpaper

    oShell.RegWrite "HKCUControl PanelDesktopWallpaperStyle", 0 'Center wallpaper

    ' let the system know about the change

    oShell.Run _

    "%windir%System32RUNDLL32.EXE user32.dll,UpdatePerUserSystemParameters", _

    1, True

  3. Hi all,

    I like U3 but I am not impressed with the U3 launchpad program. Could anyone provide instructions on how to create an ISO that will set the USB drive to run pstart instead of the u3 launchpad when it is plugged in. Then any new program can be added without having to convert to the u3 launchpad format.

    Thanks, Sid.

    This is what I use:



    open=wscript .autorun.vbs


    dim FSO, flash, oShell

    Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    Set AllDrives = FSO.Drives

    Set oShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

    For Each objDrive In fso.Drives

    If objDrive.DriveType = "1" And objDrive.IsReady Then

    If fso.FileExists(objDrive & "PStart.exe") Then flash = objDrive

    oShell.Run flash & "PStart.exe", 1, False

    End If


    If Len(flash) = 0 Then

    MsgBox "Error: PStart.exe not found!",vbCritical,"File Not Found"


    End if

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