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Posts posted by Samysam

  1. Im just starting out and pretty much just a script kiddie... but i'd like to work up to get rid of that title. So! Anyone know some good reads on various hacking techniques? Id like to expand my knowlege on exploits and other kinds of attacks. Im currently taking a networking course for a ccna cert. So that might also help a bit

  2. Worked like a charm! thanks a bunch

    started up ettercap ran a dns spoof and BAM everyone in my network that requests to go to sayyyyy google.com

    goes straight to a local test site i setup which could be set as anything, such as a reverse shell :D

  3. So, i wouldn't be able to edit a request to a website to a different one (like a locally hosted faked or phishing site) through ARP spoofing?

    anyhow... DNS poisoning any Hak5 episodes on this?

    Sounds like what I wanted to perform!

    Maybe i'd mix it up with the social engineering toolkit's java applet attack :D

    I'll try it out on my network when i get home

  4. So, I remember hearing on a sorta older episode when darrens at mubix's place and they talk about social engineering toolkit and MiTM's

    and Darren talks about doing a man in the middle with some target machine and when the target requests a site like gmail or something it redirects the target machine to a phishing site, or a site with a java exploit on it to load a meterpreter or something along those lines... Anywho

    how would someone go about doing this?

    is this even possible?

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