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Posts posted by PassComm

  1. I think there should be a sticky some where, maybe on the $100 plus router that warns you of things like setting DHCP up on the FON without knowing what why or how. As for bricking the thing, there is most likely a nice easy way to get in to it but good luck getting any one to help. The most obvious answers will be, "its on the forum, look for it". "I could help but you wouldn't learn anything from it"

    The best advice I got was to learn more about networking in general. So I set up a Linux box and moved my vps to it, took me like 4 plus days and who knows how much vodka :) but in 2 months my FON will be paid for.

    I really have to thank you all that helped me. And this one thread here looks very promising so soon as my blood pressure comes down from all the SElinux pop ups and packet too large in mysql shoot I am going to try this out making sure i do not set DHCP up till I know there is an IP address that is written down on my forehead backwards.

    Last but not least I am going to buy a HAK5 jacket thingy, they look so cool but I am guessing not a good IDEA if you are doing P testing.

  2. First off the posts on this are amusing. My first thought was, "Hey Dad why are you taking such long showers now?"

    But after about 8 hours I can see why one might want this. I love CCTV so having that in shower might be cool for all of 7 mins. If you just wanted video then there are cheap lcd, about 7", could be encased in plexi, velcro to wall. Or bash the tile out and install. This might creep out your GF though.

    Fast method to just be sure you want this. Academy is one place that has pouches for phones etc. Some with port outs, maybe a screen will fit in one. I found 7" tvs with line inputs for about 40 each awhile back, think it was office D.

  3. if you install my firmware then all Jasager stuff will work out the box, you don't get webif but you don't have to install anything else to have Jasager work.

    Glad it is finally working whatever you did.

    I have been wanting to thank you Digininja, for all your work on this project and of course any one else that was kind enough to help you. I had to flash about 4 times because so many instructions do not jive well together. Like you have to rename .GZ or your installing a ipk but now you need the Oxxx not Ixxx (forgot the install name) oh and one had .install but the dot is invalid.

    There really should be some sort of order for us noobs but then again we are the last people you want knowing how to do this so I really don't blame the site for not making it easy.

    Even if I went about this all wrong it was only out of desperation. I like how your program works and it will be used only for good. Mostly learning. if you have any HVAC questions I will be more than happy to help.

  4. you need to transfer over webif and install it if you want it.

    Neat O, So that is not required. Boy was this fun.

    I have Jasager glowing. Funny how it is working like i always thought it would but did not do this out of box.

    This has been a great learning experience. I do not want to mess this up so maybe I should just go bowling and see if they will try to rip me off again, 4 cams one on body.

  5. Still at it ... about 12 plus hours now and that is just today. I may need to make that drink from telnet login :)

    So here I am, I can see everything but I know something has not been installed, configgered right. I thought the firmware was going to have it all in place?

    Do I still need to install webif


    Is there something I could post that would some how make this a breeze to figure out?

    Edit: Ok I have jasager!!!!! No webif maybe thats another package? Funny I had it going before but could not get your code installed Robin. This is starting to be kind of funny.

  6. Get a live Backtrack DVD, put in almost any wifi card and run up Kismet. You'll see all wifi in the area and can then filter to your machine. It even has signal strength meters so you can see how close you are getting.

    Thank you Digininja, I actually downloaded backtrack iso today while Fn with the fon. I am now flashing for the 3rd time. This time using your firmware files. There are so many instructions on doing this, if you follow one it may not be right for you. I got all the way up to installing your files and ran out of room.

    I don't really need this for what I want to do but I can't stand to look at it every day unless it works. Sure hope this last thing did it.

  7. Yes wireshark will sniff wifi.

    putty does SCP and SSH

    thanks, I am looking up how to do it, this is so much fun.

    Ok I got winscp to work only the files will not install, says not found. Gee I wonder of chmode will be next.

    Ok all done only jasager wont install. I am this close

  8. You don't need special hardware to use Wireshark... It works on any device.

    So it will sniff wifi ? I thought you had to buy the card(s) depending on wallet.

    Just got off phone with computer programmer cousin, he explained the SCP command but since I am in windows he suggests I locate windows ssh client, I think. he mainly does linux.

    But really I am happy that my fruit is growing, and will soon have roots, literally speaking.

  9. Sorry I missed your post digininja. I was typing while you were. As for this working for my needs, I should have bought the 200 buck card from people that made wire shark or at least the ad is on their site.

    Even if this won't work like I had planned, I would still like to get it going again. All of this is helping me get over the loss.

  10. Digininja, Commview is a windows based packet sniffer. Not even a free one at that.

    True but I bought it many years ago.

    So here I go again. Starring at a putty screen. Able to log in but without internet I do not know how to get the files needed on the device. Instructions say to wget or SCP, ok done that before only can I do this on local machine. I am guessing its not suppose to see the net yet so that failed.

    I know the answer: go read up on linux commands, join another forum, search google... /etc guessing I need to install ftp server.

  11. I think most of your answers can be answered in the forum pineapple setup thread.

    Also if you just want to search for the mac address. airodump-ng + grep *MAC*

    Thanks. Here is where I am at, and it looks good but crossing my fingers.

    Following instructions like you all have been telling me too ... I am at the point of having ports open and an address of so I can telnet in.

    The packages I downloaded from http://www.digininja.org/jasager/download.php should be correct but I need to do this in xp. I had to skip ahead in the instructions as they didn't apply to this FON and some files had to be found on the net as they were not in indexed link, that has got to be a major PITA for someone noobing it.

    So wish me luck.

  12. You've completely lost me now. Why would a Fon help get a laptop back?

    And I'll say again, you don't need serial cables or anything like that, get the flashing software, read their manual on how to use it, it is really easy from what I've seen just point it at my firmware files you've downloaded and let it go. It runs the flash over ethernet. You don't have to open anything up, no screws need taking out, nothing technical, literally plug in Cat5, click a couple of times on GUI, power on Fon and wait a while.

    Don't laugh, you know my experience in this is NOP. My hopes were to set a rule in commview looking for my mac address. While in an area where I think the laptop is at they might connect to the FON. I know this is so unlikely but its all I have, well sort of but I have said too much, they might be reading this.

    Back to my problem. At this point I just want to know how to work with the FON but a few questions have not been answered. I really have looked all over and tried this and that.

    1. I bought a pineapple 2 is this a FON, FON2, Fon+ ? does it matter?

    2. Must a crossover cable be used? I have an old linksys befw11s4, with FON plugged in to it, I can wifi in using the ssid I created, which is still set. All I get is linksys page at

    3. How to set my nic up to talk to the FON in easy steps from xp ? I have tried all sorts of settings and monitor what is going on using commview. By the way I have had this program for many years back when it cost $99, it is what I am use to using. I do now have wireshark, and it looks promising. I need to eat all my pineapple before moving on.

    4. Many of the instructions mention using putty, had it for years to obtain root access for my server but in my case if I don't know the ip how can I re flash anything?

    5. I am missing something that is most likely pinging me in the face.

    Lastly, I just downloaded backtrack and already have ubuntu ready to go, will most likely place them each on separate machines as I want a server that is stand alone. but can I do any of this out of xp ?

    I really thank you all for helping me in this matter. When I get my laser operated fly killing machine up and running I will share the design with all that are interested.

  13. No I wouldn't expect money for giving the info on this topic specifically, but would gladly accept.

    And I'm not sure what you are saying... especially about little girls videos?

    My netbook and other stuff were stolen, my girls videos and pics are on there. I now have pin pointed the people within an apartment complex. My plan was to use the PA2, by the way is that a Fon or fon 2 or + because I need to know this when I crack it open (good thing I found the hidden post on screws under feet).

    Of course now I am thinking a basic router might have worked but after watching all the videos here I got excited that I might have a chance of finding my laptop.

    Of course if they change mac address well but then I am hoping that is over there head.

    When I bought the PA2 my thought was sure its a lot of $$ when a fon could be bought for less but then there is all the time getting it together. Something I have plenty of in winter but not now. I also felt it was helping the forum which helps all as a whole, like a happy family.

    I read the forums, over and over, searched the net. There is hardly anything out there on this. And some instructions don't apply to the one I have.

    So I plug it in a router, it should get an address because I fiddled and faddled too much setting the dhcp. well only server I have is an old router, it does not show up in log or dhcp clients. Maybe I left it bridged and dhcp.

    All of the instructions for re flashing seem to require being able to talk to it, but how?

    So my thought is I need to buy or build a serial cable. Ok can I use one that goes on actual serial port of a computer, if so I have what I need.

    My other thought was using a hub on router with PA2 / notebook, packet program, it would see all traffic, maybe I could catch the IP.

    I understand why many don't want to help right off, your sick of hearing it. Like the teacher saying to, "go look it up in the dictionary". My plans of building a linux box started late summer, been too busy, but with the high hosting VPS fees I have to do something soon. Which in turn will teach me all this stuff, over time.

  14. hey i offered help first lol, 50/50?

    Just for grins would you or any one really take money to help me? If so can you be a little more reasonable?

    Is it because you know I was ripped off for over 1000 that I must be fair game.

    When I bought the PA2 for that that much I did so knowing I do not have time to do all the things, you will laugh here, that it looks like I now get to do any way. Only for my reasons its really too late. The people I am after have already, most likely got rid of my little red book with my little girls videos.

    So if it makes you all feel better laugh away. Enjoy your Karma, at least yours works.

  15. You can either reflash it, or check your default gateway settings (or nmap -sP) and try get in to it from the LAN side.

    When I tried nmap, my first time, it asks for an ip, the only one it gets is 0000 or 169.x.x.x doesnt show anything.

    Can't I set some ips for nic and have it connect, its looking for dhcp. But what settings for ip and gateway would I use, tried combinations of those last setting of was used, would it still use that.

    What about using router, tried to connect it to there to see what it would get, nothing, cant see it as a dhcp client.

    OK re flash, does this mean getting a serial cable? I know there are instructions but which fon is this, fon2 I would think but don't know for sure.

  16. Wow what a bad day I am having. I typed a bunch of stuff, must have hit wrong key now its all gone.

    What are some tests I can do to get it back up?

    Last settings were something i read in a wiki.

    But I did the dhcp thing, also in same wiki, picture less one to be exact.

    Now its looking, I guess for a dhcp server, I have a linksys router, tried some stuff with it, could not see it connect.

    But I can wifi in to it and get the net. If i hook to home router I can get right to the fruit then the net but how to get to any control panel, is beyond me.

    Since I see the ssid as netgear4, I changed it to that, does that mean i did not mortar it all the way?

    I really appreciate any help in this matter. If you have any ac or heat questions I will be happy to help.

  17. Search a little longer? I usually spend hours, days trying to figure stuff out on my own. Mainly because I know the people that KNOW how to do stuff are not all that inclined to help a noob. Funny because I doubt these same people just blew out the womb talking in 0's and 1's .

    So is there someone here that will accept payment to help me get my pineapple 2 fresh again?

    Paying $100 ish bucks does not come with at least one get out of jail free card?

    Thanks for any one that has the time to help.

  18. I'm going to go back to a previous comment, you need to learn basic networking before playing with Jasager. If you had that knowledge then you would be able to answer all those questions yourself.

    I could give you the answers but it is better to learn yourself

    Yep I guess you are right. Had I not been in a rush to try and catch a thief that stole all my little girls pictures and videos (laptop-gps-datacard) I would not have ordered a $100 plus device that is in no way ready to use for average joe. I also know the chances of finding this person is slim to none. But at the time it seemed like a good plan, my only plan, next to a decoy device. They never used my data card like I hoped. Whats a 100 on top of 1000.

    Any way this is the kind of stuff I love to learn, just a time factor right now. Thanks for writing the software. Maybe amazon has some good books on this stuff.

  19. Ok I did some looking up for how to run dhcp server, looks like I will need to get my taxes done first as this will take awhile to find someone that uses xp first and knows how to step by step it.

    is there a short cut, like orginal thread starter mentions connecting to router, I assume ip is assigned in most router setups, but the unpluging part then connecting to that ip, not sure if he did wireless or plugged it in to laptop, doubt that would work in my case.

    So before I messed mine up I had the ip set for based on some pictureless instructions in wiki. But after setting static to dhcp I wonder if I could ever connect to webif again? I downloaded Nmap hoping it could find the ip and port that was open. Could not get any local info.

    What about telnet, is there an ip that is set on this pineapple 2?

    Lastly I see the ssid of netgear4 that I set on PA2, so it must not have lost everything. I can also surf through its wifi when I have it connected to home router / internet.

  20. where are you running the dhcp server?

    I set my pineapple 2 to dhcp within the webif front end. So I would guess it looks for an ip from my nic card or if connected to router then there. Would that make my laptop the dhcp server?

    If I could set my hardwired nic to dole out (or what?) maybe the PA2 would then let me talk to it. If I connect the PA2 up to home router it gets an address and I can wifi in to, then the net so its working like that.

  21. Darren wrote the wiki, I had nothing to do with it so don't have the original images to put back. I mailed him but he is busy at the moment.

    If you set it to DHCP then tat means it is expecting to get an address from a DHCP server so all you need to do is turn on a DHCP server so it can get an address then you can set it back to static.

    Thank You however all the things I tried just don't let me in. All I have is winxxx boxes, minus my stolen win7. Plan to make a linux one soon, before all this but now this :eek

    I can see what is going on with commview or ipconfig, is there some other way to figure out address to front end, not jasager as I did not mess that up.

    The or any other variation wont go. If reset does nothing than at least I know that is not it.

  22. I am having same issue, read the same instructions that have missing pics and did some of the same stuff as outlined. Now I can't get a setup screen. The ssid is still what I set it for. Isn't there some way to setup nic card ip so device can be talked to or wireless for that matter ?

    I know that I set it to dhcp, guess that was wrong. Its too light to be bricked, I hope :D

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