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Posts posted by DTYtsejam24

  1. I had this problem too. Its because cain doesnt work with all wireless cards. Theres not really much you could do other than get a different wireless card or get a different app to do what your trying to do.

    nmap is definitely the best alternative if you just wanna scan the network for hosts but seeing as your wanting to use the rest of cains features nmap probably wont meet your needs

  2. i want the x server, because it makes it a hell of alot easier to configure the thing, and im not wanting to spend 8 hours with a command line configuring the thing.

    Id rathe use the freenas anyway, its easy enough to set up but i cant figure out why the webgui stops working when i reboot the machine. its still connected to the network and registering the ip cause i can ping my other box from there, so i dont know what it is.

  3. ubuntu claims to be good for servers http://www.ubuntu.org

    I think debian is good but I've never used it for a server http://www.debian.org

    if you want to play around this might work for you http://slampp.abangadek.com/wiki/HomePage

    and for the required hak5ness http://www.freenas.org

    well i tried slampp but theres something up with the video and it wont run the xserver deaming it practically useless cause i cant install it to the hard drive with out a hastle

    i got freenas running on it, but everytime i reboot the machine for some reason i cant access the webgui again, anybody else have this problem with freenas?

    for referance the machine im running this on is a duron 800 mhz, everything but ethernet is integrated, and i put some linksys card i had laying around in it, and its got a 4 gig hard drive and im hooking a 200 gig external to it for the bulk of the storage.

  4. yeah i didnt think it would work that way but i wanted to move it becausei have it on an old 120 gig hard dirve, and i got a new 200 gig much faster drive for my birthday and i wanted to swap in the 200 as my internal hard drive and use my 120 as an external and im not wanting to have to reinstall windows cause i have it set up fairly nice the way i like it so i kinda just wanna move the whole system from the one drive to the other. ive heard of it being done but im not sure how

  5. i wanna move windows xp from one drive to another, i was thinkin of just using gparted and just copying the partition over to the new drive but i dont know if thatll work.

    any one ever done this before and can point me in the right direction?


  6. you need a linux live cd with ntfs read support which unless you modify the live cd yourself is hard to come accross, being against the law and all, if you have a usb drive laying around you could install some very barebone distro of linux on that and install ntfs read support on itand use that to move your media to a save place

  7. for the hahas we should develope a really robust version of the switchblade, that just rediculously owns the machine its plugged into and doesnt do it in a stealthy way at all. Not really sure what this would entail, but when i think of it ill get back to you

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