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Posts posted by Dako

  1. Not a lot of progress (not that I have been working on this everyday :B).

    Tried sharing internet from my PC to the Xbox using Tor for the proxy and supposedly routing all traffic through it, but didn't work as expected.

    Any other ideas =o?

  2. Nope, not yet, plenty of space left :o

    At first I thought something similar, and even redownloaded a few times and cleared the cache and everything, but apparently those are fine. The file is even downloaded, stuck at 99% :/


    By the way, I've also got a router with DD-WRT, not sure if it would help, I haven't found anything related to proxies on their wiki :/

  3. The Xbox is american, bought in the US last year, my WindowsLive/Xbox account is american, and even bought the maps with an american bank card, the only thing that's not from the US is my current internet connection, since I'm leaving in Mexico :o, though I'm not sure if it matters.

    Thanks for your help :B

  4. Hi!

    Any idea on how to get internet/Xbox Live on my Xbox 360 through a proxy connection? Need to get online if only for 5 minutes or so, heheh.

    Here's what happened: Some time ago I bought three map packs for Call of Duty: World at War that were on sale that week. Apparently I wasn't supposed to buy them where I live (Mexico), but I bought them anyway using their website and a proxy, since I wasn't able to do it from the Xbox. The maps now appeared as bought, were on my Downloads tab, and started download soon after that. But when they reach 99%, the download fails.

    I did some research, and apparently the error I get is only for region locked stuff. When I bought them I actually thought the sale was US-only, not the maps (which doesn't makes sense). My account is american too by the way.

    The downloads are stuck at 99%, so my idea is to get online through the proxy, resume the downloads, and be happy :B

    Any ideas :B?

  5. Uhmm... WTF?

    If by fake you mean I'm trying to gain access to another person's Flickr Account, I have my blog to prove it, the Flickr Account, and the original photos if you want to see them. By the way, the blog is in spanish.

    Sorry for the defensive reaction, I'm just asking for help to get my password back( and maybe learn a little about how the windows hack was done since it's related), not trying to get access to someone else's account.

  6. Thanks a lot for the help, heheh. I also didn't know that Firefox did that, though it couldn't help me :?, Flickr Uploadr is an external app, so the password should be around my computer, on the registry or some folder I guess. Also, the reset password thing is the one that asks me for my birthday, zipcode, etc., so I can't reset my password :?.

    Again, thanks a lot for the help, and any other suggestion is welcome :o .

  7. I just watched episode 2.02 and thought someone here could help me. What happened? Well, I forgot my Flickr password (I know that's irresponsible of me, but it's actually my first time forgeting a password in all these years of uhmm... using passwords on the internet or something). Well, there's also the possibility that I forgot my username and not my password since I use some passwords over and over again when registering accounts, depending on the level of personal information I give. Easier for me, though not really secure.

    Anyway, Yahoo's forgot password thing is not helping at all, since I have to put some information like birthday, zipcode, country, etc., and my real information is not working, so I probably made some stuff up when I made the account. All I know is that my account username is probably a combination of Dako, Rakkun and/or Mapache (that's spanish for Raccoon), since those are always my aliases on the net.

    I was fine with Firefox remembering my password, but the other day I deleted the cookies and BAM!, no more Flickr account til I remember my user/pass. Then I remembered I had installed Flickr Uploadr and uploaded some photo batch from there, so I checked and it still has my account information there, though I cannot check for my username or password (well, the asterisks anyway).

    Well, I know my account user and pass is somewhere on my computer, and after watching ep 2.02 and the windows hacking, I was wondering if someone could help me, point me in the right direction.

    Thanks in advance,


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