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Posts posted by paradizelost

  1. On my machine, the registry export was >200MB, i'm running vista. That is also what took the bulk of the time to run.

    As far as a machine that may need to be turned over to the authorities, they'll generally take the hard drive and do their own analysis rather than trust what you tell them, also if it is a situation like that, you've already compromised the data if you modify the hard drive.

    Also, i'm not terribly concerned with the size, officemax has 8GB drives available for $30 right now, so size really should be an issue other than for cheap admins... ;)

  2. Let me throw this possibility at you. One issue with running any of these tools from within a running windows installation is that it some of the rootkits and etc... can prevent you from seeing the files that it has modified or installed. This is however not possible if you boot to the thumb drive and run the utilities from a USB Live environment. One could create a modified BART environment or Ubuntu environment etc... to back up the necessary registry .DAT files and do a check on the system, etc... without any active windows processes. This would allow one to get a more complete and more accurate configuration, however some of the utilities would need to be figured out how to run to get the info from a non-running system.

  3. The other option may be, as this wouldn't TECHNICALLY be distribution:

    Sysinternals Live is a service that enables you to execute Sysinternals tools directly from the Web without hunting for and manually downloading them. Simply enter a tool’s Sysinternals Live path into Windows Explorer or a command prompt as http://live.sysinternals.com/<toolname> or \\live.sysinternals.com\tools\<toolname>.

    You can view the entire Sysinternals Live tools directory in a browser at http://live.sysinternals.com.

  4. Most of the information gathered by the 3rd party tools is gathered via WMI i would guess. If there are some creative scripters out there, we could write our own WMI scripts to pull a lot of the information ourselves.

    as far as the licensing goes, from the sysinternals website:

    Q: May I distribute Sysinternals utilities in my software, on my website, or with my magazine?

    A: No. We are not offering any distribution licenses, even if the 3rd party is distributing them for free. We encourage people to download the utilities from our download center where they can be assured to get the most recent version of the utility.

  5. Here's an updated piece of code that incorporates a lot of the info gathering ideas that were put forth.

    The changes are as follows:

    uses the START command to run many commands in parallel rather than all in series. This shortens the amount of time that this takes to run considerably, at a performance hit on the machines while running.

    Creates a folder output\%computername% to put the files in, rather than cluttering up one output directory, useful if running on an entire network.

    xcopy's the contents of %windir%\system32\drivers\etc

    uses microsoft's print server migration tool from http://tinyurl.com/2ab4lz to save all printers, ports, and drivers from the system to a cab file. this can be restored later. Simply download the printmig.exe from MS and put in the U3ir Folder on the thumbdrive. NOTE: PRINTMIG.exe does not work on vista.

    fixed the %WINDIR%\System32\Printing_Admin_Scripts\en-US\Prnmngr.vbs pointing to just %windir%\system32

    used the dos TREE command to save an output of non-hidden, non-system files to a text file.

    used the SET command and exported the entirety of system variables to a text file.

    REM Set log file location
    IF NOT EXIST %1\output (
            MD %1\output
    IF NOT EXIST %1\output\%computername% (
        MD %1\output\%computername%
    CD u3ir
    REM enumerate local accounts and currently logged on users
    net users &gt;&gt; %1\output\%computername%\localaccts-%computername%.txt
    psloggedon /accepteula &gt;&gt; %1\output\%computername%\localaccts-%computername%.txt
    REM Grab network info, arp tables, open connections, and firewall status
    START ipconfig /all &gt;&gt; %1\output\%computername%\localnet-%computername%.txt
    START ipconfig /displaydns &gt;&gt; %1\output\%computername%\localnet-%computername%.txt
    START arp -a &gt;&gt; %1\output\%computername%\localnet-%computername%.txt
    START netstat -ano &gt;&gt; %1\output\%computername%\localnet-%computername%.txt
    START route print &gt;&gt; %1\output\%computername%\localnet-%computername%.txt
    START type %systemroot%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts &gt;&gt; %1\output\%computername%\localnet-%computername%.txt
    START netsh firewall show state &gt;&gt; %1\output\%computername%\localnet-%computername%.txt
    START netsh firewall show service &gt;&gt; %1\output\%computername%\localnet-%computername%.txt
    START net use &gt;&gt; %1\output\%computername%\localnet-%computername%.txt
    START gpresult &gt;&gt; %1\output\%computername%\%computername%_GPO.txt
    START driverquery &gt;&gt; %1\output\%computername%\%computername%_drivers.txt
    START netsh show alias &gt;&gt; %1\output\%computername%\%computername%_alias.txt
    START netsh show helper &gt;&gt; %1\output\%computername%\%computername%_helper.txt
    START systeminfo /FO LIST &gt;&gt; %1\output\%computername%\%computername%_systeminfo.txt
    START tasklist /FO LIST &gt;&gt; %1\output\%computername%\%computername%_tasklist.txt
    set &gt;&gt; %1\output\%computername%\%computername%_variables.txt
    tree /F /A %systemdrive%\ &gt;&gt; %1\output\%computername%\%computername%_dirtree.txt
    START printmig.exe -b %1\output\%computername%\%computername_printers.cab
    MD %1\output\%computername%\etc
    START xcopy /q /e %windir%\system32\drivers\etc %1\output\%computername%\etc
    REM Grab a list of installed software and running processes
    START psinfo /accepteula /h /s &gt;&gt; %1\output\%computername%\sysinfo-%computername%.txt
    START pslist -t /accepteula &gt;&gt; %1\output\%computername%\sysinfo-%computername%.txt
    REM Grab state of all services on the machine
    START sc query state= all &gt;&gt; %1\output\%computername%\sysinfo-%computername%.txt
    REM Grab a list of the printers on the machine and properties
    cscript  %WINDIR%\System32\Printing_Admin_Scripts\en-US\Prnmngr.vbs -l &gt;&gt; %1\output\%computername%\sysinfo-%computername%.txt
    REM Export the registry of the machine
    START reg export HKLM %1\output\%computername%\hklm-%computername%.reg
    START reg export HKCU %1\output\%computername%\hkcu-%computername%.reg
    START reg export HKCR %1\output\%computername%\hkcr-%computername%.reg
    START reg export HKU %1\output\%computername%\hku-%computername%.reg
    START reg export HKCC %1\output\%computername%\hkcc-%computername%.reg
    REM calculate MD5 hashes of the system directory
    START md5sums %systemroot% &gt;&gt; %1\output\%computername%\osmd5-%computername%.txt
    START md5sums %systemroot%\system &gt;&gt; %1\output\%computername%\osmd5-%computername%.txt
    START md5sums %systemroot%\system32 &gt;&gt; %1\output\%computername%\osmd5-%computername%.txt

    Let me know if you see any issues.

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