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Posts posted by Genphlux

  1. I'm having an issue with something loosely related so I hope one of you can help me out. I understand that using a backslash key in C is considered to be an escape character, and you are supposed to be able to use double backslashes to indicate that you actually want to use a backslash but I haven't gotten this to work with Teensyduino. I was attempting similar code that connected to an FTP through command prompt and copied files but when using the absolute path of the local file that I wanted to copy to the FTP server, I got a compiler error for this line:

    ExecuteCommand("put c:\windows\notepad.exe");

    The compiler error states: "unknown escape sequence \w"

    So I attempted to change it to:

    ExecuteCommand("put c:\\windows\\notepad.exe");

    It now compiles with no errors, but it completely ignores the line altogether and skips to the next command. Any ideas?

    I am a network engineer and I'm just now trying to learn the basic fundamentals of development so go easy on me if I'm missing something easy. :)

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