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Posts posted by Metaphysical

  1. So, it seems I've figure it out: PandoraSaver 2 just doesn't seem to mesh too well with my wireless network.

    When using a wired internet source, with very high speeds, PS worked incredibly well - sounds buffer in approximately 5-8 seconds on non-turbo, and began playing after about 10 total seconds. Pressing "Next Song" resulted in approximately 4-10 seconds time between songs.

    However, on a wireless network at about 1/2 to 1/4 the wired network speed, the SpeedTest results of which are 17.13 Mb/s Download & 11.43 Mb/s Upload during times of heaviest usage (regarded as 4 PM - 10 PM here), the application continues to have the same problems: songs playing only after very lengthy buffering, and once buffered, freezing a tiny bit into the song. This is all without throttling, on non-Turbo settings (when set to Turbo, the songs autoskip and no music is heard).

    Is there some sort of issues that may be associated with using PS on a wireless network, especially one used by multiple users?

  2. Hey; long time user, first time caller -- you know the bit.

    I've been using PandoraSaver since version 1, and I love everything about it. Minimalistic menu, tons of features, the fact that it *downloads songs from Pandora* (fine, records). All that jazz. It's absolutely awesome, and thank you for the work you've put into developing and refining it.

    However, since the most recent update, my streaming has been incredibly slow. Be it an update to the proxy or the base program itself, no matter what source of internet I use -- and given that I'm on a college campus, things *should* be fast given the network speed -- I'm having songs buffer for an incredibly long time (compared to pre-update PandoraSaver II), and once they begin playing, they often freeze 1/16th of the way in with buffering.

    I am using the most recent version of PandoraSaver II at time of writing, and listening from port 8888. No other major internet-related programs are running in the background -- no torrents, no streaming videos, no online games. I believe I am also utilizing the attached Firefox Portable instead of my primary browser to stream Pandora, although I am not entire sure how to check. I'm definitely an amateur amongst you guys when it comes to programming and network analysis, so if there some information I can provide that I hadn't thought of that could assist in this problem, I'm all ears.


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