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Posts posted by proskater123

  1. My main objective was to deploy this in a law firm where the secretaries move around all the time. We watned it so that if a computer went down, they would still haave all their data; we would be able to just throw a new comuter in that spot and vola they are back to work while we work on the faulty computer.

  2. I purchased a rackmount kvm monitor that slides out on ebay. The problem is, is that it has no markings saying who made it or what model it is. The only port it has is a vga port in. But it has a built in mouse and keyboard. I figured there was a special cable that sends the mouse and keyboard over the vga cable some how. Here is the kvm and the only port besides the power port.HERE is the images of the kvm. What kind of cable do I need to hook this up to a kvm switch?

  3. So I know it is possible to setup roaming profiles to setup network shared folders on startup based on which folder that user is allowed to access. Let me try to explain more. Lets say user 1 has acces to the network folders "sales", and "reports" but user2 only has access to network folder "sales" but not reports. When user1 logs into a computer on the domain, it would automatically map the folders Sales and reports. They log out then user 2 logs in and only sees the shares they are allowed access to. I have seen this implemented at a location but I didn't know how they set it up nor what the term of it is called. Does anyone know of an article of how to set it up?

  4. So I have never had a fiber connection ran directly to a server and have some questions before we move forward with it. I have a dell r900 server that is hosting some virtual machines. Right now we have a single gigabit line running to it. At our datacenter we have the option to have fiber ran directly to our server. So we wanted to go forward with that to get a better connection. First off when I install the fiber card in the server will it configure just like a regular network card will or is there a special setup for it. Our server is running Centos 6 for the host OS. The second question I have is the selection of the card. I found a cheap QLogic card on ebay and was wondering if this is the correct card and is there a better alternitive that is under $200. Here is the link for that: http://www.ebay.com/itm/QLOGIC-QLE2460-4GBPS-PCI-E-FIBER-CHANNEL-HBA-SINGLE-PORT-DELL-POWEREDGE-R900-/121141432097?pt=US_Server_Disk_Controllers_RAID_Cards&hash=item1c34978f21

  5. So this is what I have came up with so far.

    #!/usr/bin/env python
    import pyDes
    import os, sys

    # Encryption key is a slightly variation of "NtgrBak"
    KEY = [0x56-8, 0x74, 0x67, 0x72, 0x42, 0x61, 0x6b, 0x00]

    def derive_des_key(ascii_key):
    def extract_by_offset(offset):
    byte_index = offset >> 3
    bit_index = byte_index << 3

    v0 = (ascii_key[byte_index] << 8) | ascii_key[byte_index+1]
    v1 = 8 - (offset - bit_index)
    v0 >>= v11
    return v0 & 0xfe

    k = ""
    for i in range(0, 7*8, 7):
    k += chr(extract_by_offset(i))
    return k

    def decrypt_block(block, key_bytes):
    k = derive_des_key(key_bytes)
    des = pyDes.des(k, pyDes.ECB)
    r = des.decrypt(block)
    return r

    def main():
    data = sys.stdin.read()
    assert (len(data) % 8) == 0

    current_key = KEY[:]

    r = ""
    for i in range(0, len(data), 8):
    current_key[0] += 8
    if current_key[0] > 0xff:
    current_key[0] = current_key[0] - 0x100
    current_key[1] += 1

    block = data[i:i+8]
    d = decrypt_block(block, current_key)

    r += d


  6. I took out the <cut> and </cut> cause I do beileve that they are not needed. Then when I run the script in windows

    C:/python puthonscript.py

    File "pythonscript.py", Line 8

    Def extract_by_offset(offset):


    IndentationError: expected an indent block

  7. So I found this script to decrypt a netgear cfg file. But when i try to run the script it comes up with a bunch of errors. Can someone look at the script and possibly fix the issues? I know nothing about python.

    import pyDes
    import os, sys
    # Encryption key is a slightly variation of "NtgrBak"
    KEY = [0x56-8, 0x74, 0x67, 0x72, 0x42, 0x61, 0x6b, 0x00]
    def derive_des_key(ascii_key):
    def extract_by_offset(offset):
    byte_index = offset >> 3
    bit_index = byte_index << 3
    v0 = (ascii_key[byte_index] << 8) | ascii_key[byte_index+1]
    v1 = 8 - (offset - bit_index)
    v0 >>= v1
    return v0 & 0xfe
    k = ""
    for i in range(0, 7*8, 7):
    k += chr(extract_by_offset(i))
    return k
    def decrypt_block(block, key_bytes):
    k = derive_des_key(key_bytes)
    des = pyDes.des(k, pyDes.ECB)
    r = des.decrypt(block)
    return r
    def main():
    data = sys.stdin.read()
    assert (len(data) % 8) == 0
    current_key = KEY[:]
    r = ""
    for i in range(0, len(data), 8):
    current_key[0] += 8
    if current_key[0] > 0xff:
    current_key[0] = current_key[0] - 0x100
    current_key[1] += 1
    block = data[i:i+8]
    d = decrypt_block(block, current_key)
    r += d
  8. I am trying to setup a server 2003, and on it is a program that has a setting for which voice port it should use for a clients station. Usally the program is installed on seperate computers instead of a shared server.

    But from the start a user logs into the server via remote desktop. Then they start our dialer program which has a setting to which tells our phone system what station and voice port to call. My issue is when we log two users on at the same time it changes the voice port setting to what it was switched to last for all users. My question is if there was a program or a way to seperate files and settings between multiple users using remote desktop on the same server. Some kind of virtual enviorment or maybe a setting in server 2003 that I am not aware of.

  9. I am using cpanel on a server and I keep getting all the spoofed emails. (From the Irs, efax, paypal, better business bureau) I know they are all spoofed because I will hoover over the links in them and they will all have something along the lines of scientek.sp.ru/intrev.html <----Virus link. Do not visit!!!!!!) I went to the link on a computer that I could care less about and it tryed to load a page that didn't do anything. I'm sure we are all aware of what it't trying to do ;) But Its really annoying getting all these emails everyday. I was wondering how I could setup my email server to check for a ptr record or some other way to set my cpanel up so it will not accept these spoofed emails.

  10. I have been watching mario marathon all weekend long. If you would like to donate please visit mariomarathon.com The marathon is almost over. I am trying to pull in as many last minute donations as possible. Thank you!

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