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Posts posted by hardcorE_0x1A4

  1. Thx, that clears it up.

    I still can't get the source to work though and I realize why now. The reply I get back from getToken after calling sessionData says invalid client.

    reply =

    {"header":{"session":"c599864a8dd58b66c74464aa3c838f10"},"fault":{"code":1024,"message":" invalid client"}}

    Have you found a workaround for this?

    Thanks again for the help!

  2. Hey what's up guys,

    Great work so far Zimmer. I've been looking for an app like this (open source) or specifically for the palm pre so I can access Grooveshark on the go. (Grooveshark has been working on one for a while with no release date in sight...) Since the pre has an underlying Linux os I can implement this python program on it with a few modifications. I'm not that familiar with python but it isn't hard to pick up. With that said, I was wondering if you would be willing to help me with an error I'm having with getting your source to work. I've downloaded both the new and old source, and I receive the error in both versions. The function getToken's return gives me an error...

    Traceback (most recent call last):

    File "myGrooveshark.py", line 11, in <module>


    File "/home/myUsrname/Downloads/Grooveshark - python/distrobution/Grooveshark.py", line 61, in sessionData

    self.token = self.getToken()

    File "/home/myUsrname/Downloads/Grooveshark - python/distrobution/Grooveshark.py", line 69, in getToken

    return json.loads(reply)['result']

    KeyError: 'result'

    Have you or anyone else expirenced this error?

    PS: I'm running Ubuntu 9.10 and installed python, wx, httplib2, & the JSON packages from my repositories.


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