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Posts posted by jadearrow999

  1. MY CHALLENGE TO HAK5 IS THIS!!!! who here knows how they can make my atat quickfire a wifi phone so i can txt everyone i know for free with a good ol hacking ^^ internet would be amazing to!!!! but mainly...all i ask is is it possible to make my atat quickfire txt for free ^^ if i can hack it to were i can txt anywere like a normal phone OMG MY DEBT TO YOU ALL WOULD BE ETERNAL!!!! anyways pls write back ty everyone ^^

  2. hello everyone , im having a debate on whether to get the zipit or the droid ......basically im no were near as tech smart as you guys , i admire you all immensely and hope to be as good as you soon enough, now my isuuse here is that i want to be able mainly to txt/surf the web anywere...i know with the zipit id only be able to do so in my household or in a wifi hot spot...but i want to be able to do so anywere, is that possible with the motorola droid, because its a cell phone???? if soo i will buy myself a droid , the only thing is that idk how to hack the droid if it is the one im looking for , any responses will be greatly appreciated , thank you all ^^

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