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Posts posted by Samurai

  1. My main reason for hiding the router inside a broken CD-Rom drive and then putting that inside the empty laptop drive bay is so that I can power it off the laptop system (the laptop that is running ICS to the fon at the coffee shop or airport in the first place). This way It's compact, attached (so I can pull it out and play with the locals while switching planes in ATL), and I can watch a single battery meter on the laptop to know how much time I have left before I need to find a single outlet to plug in and charge back up.

  2. Ok, so here's the idea I'm working on. CD Rom/DVD/BluRay/[name your tech here] is one of the larger power draws in a laptop. Since the Fon 2100 draws 5 volts at 2 amps, and the Fon+ 2201 draws 7.5 volts at 1 amp, rather than hooking it up to 2 or 4 USB ports (specs are 5v @ 0.5A, and laptops tend to be lower) to supply the needed power, would it be possible to find a dead laptop CD drive and power the Fon off the CD drive connector? By removing the internals of the CD drive, you would be able to mount the Fon circuit inside the bay with only a network cable patched to the laptop physical NIC and an antenna sticking out. This way I don't have to bring my power strip or work with a limited 4xAA external battery pack connected to the router.

    Things to do:

    • Compare CD-Rom drive power draw to Fon 2100 and Fon+ 2201 (the two I have currently)
    • Double check height of bay and height of Fons
    • Pinout on drive connector
    • Find and mill plastic bay dust cover to hold Fon PCB (with openings for NIC and antenna)
    • Cooling fan?
  3. Ok, for clarification, are you running 8.09 or 8.09.1? I just reflashed to 8.09.1 and installed the latest version of haserl, webif (from x-wrt, the prerelease), libruby, and ruby. I haven't been able to locate new patched madwifi drivers yet (the old jasager-madwifi digininja has up are for the old 7.09 openwrt that's built on an older kernel). I didn't have any trouble with any of the .ipk file installs. Wish I had more ideas to offer, but I'm just now getting myself on the latest version. Was running 7.09 since digininja announced jasager...

  4. In other words, the Fon is a client to the DNS server, it cannot send request for its wireless clients, they must send a request themselves. That is why you are getting a "no host" error.

    Ah, thanks for the clarification.

    I'm in the process of updating firmware to support the "list" option. Looking for the new patched madwifi drivers to go with the new kernel version. You don't happen to know where I might find an updated jasager-madwifi.ipk do you? Google's giving me nothing tonight.

    Update: Ok, i'm a noob. I found around page 6 or 7 of this forum that digininja has repackaged jasager into a prebuilt openwrt firmware package. I'm flashing to that now.

  5. I did some research and found that "invalid magic" means corrupt .ipk, although this cannot be the case. I have have downloaded this file directly from the openwrt website and from the x-wrt website. I am using the correct version (8.09/atheros).

    Have you tried verifying the MD5sum on the file you downloaded to be absolutely sure it was a clean download?

  6. echoblack, I could use that link. The links in the install post in this forum and the wiki are out of date. At this point, i have 8.09.1 on the router (latest stable Kamikaze) and need the new .ipk files (I used all the old ones, but the jasager-madwifi_1.ipk is for the old kernel, and i'd rather use the driver if you have the ipk already). Thanks in advance if you have the links.

    Update: I found the new haserl, webif, libruby, and ruby packages. Still looking for updated jasager-madwifi and planning to use jasager 2.1 (latest on digininja's site). I have absolutely no experience with patching madwifi drivers, so I'll give it a shot if I can find clear instructions... otherwise, a link to an ipk would be very appreciated.

  7. Hey guys,

    I just got this loaded up on my Fon and am stuck on something. I'm sure it's user error on my part, but I cannot get DNS to the wireless client I'm testing with. Pinging works perfectly from the client i'm connecting wirelessly to the fon, but pinging google.com gives me the "no host" error. Pinging google from an ssh into the fon resolves fine.

    One thing I am doing differently is rather than using

    list 'dhcp_option' '3,' # This is the IP address of . .
    #.  . The Host Laptop's Net-Interface acting as GW
    list 'dhcp_option' '6,,' # This is Option 6 define the DNS server, . .
    # .  . Then IP of Pineapple, Then Googles DNS IP

    I'm using

    option 'gateway' ''
    option 'dns' ''

    I might be using an out of date version of kamikaze (7.09), because i get errors when using the list commands instead of the option commands. Any tips as to what I have messed up?

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