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Posts posted by thunder9861

  1. I just wanted to chime in with my results. I bought a CP2102 USB 2.0 to UART TTL 6 pin connector on Ebay, and it worked perfectly on my MK4. Hopefully this will help anyone who happens to have a similar problem. In the end, it appears that the cable I built that works with the Fonera 2100, 2200, and my Pogoplug is not the same as the UART required for the MK4.

    Thank you for your help, I have successfully brought my MK4 back to life!

  2. It is made for 3.3 volts. I think I will be taking your advice though, and buying a premade one like the one in the hakshop. That should eliminate any unknown variables...

    Thanks for your help.


    Here is the schematic:


  3. Well, I tried it out, but it doesn't seem to be working as I expected.

    I first tried the TX/RX pins in the order shown on the Wiki. Nothing appeared on the screen when I plugged in the pineapple.

    Next, I reversed the TX/RX wires and cycled power, but still nothing.

    Finally, just out of curiousity, I attached only the RX pin, and I actually saw output on the screen.

    It was timed properly with a typical boot sequence, however the output was all gibberish.

    I double checked all my settings, however I am starting to wonder if my cable is not correct afterall.

    Again, the cable works fine on the Fonera's, as well as my Pogoplug.

    Any ideas?

    Also, the cable in the hakshop is sold out:


    Any ideas what the exact device is and where I could get it from?

    I'm not opposed to buying one if it will help me fix my pineapple MK4.

    Thanks again for your help, let me know if I need to include more information.

  4. Hello.

    I need to perform a clean flash on my MK IV, and I just had a few questions about the cable.

    I currently have a Serial -> 3.3v TTL cable that uses a MAX232 chip.

    It is homebuilt, using this site:


    This cable works just fine on my Pogoplug, as well as my Fonera 2100 and Fonera 2200 (the MK III hardware).

    I have not tried using it on the MK IV yet, because after searching around here, and on Mr. Protocol's wiki page, it says I need a UART cable.

    The term UART is new to me, but does this mean that the cable I have is not the correct one?

    This page uses the terms "UART" and "Serial TTL" almost interchangably:


    However this post claims the opposite (that they are indeed different):


    I'm wondering if I am just getting the terminology mixed up.

    I have looked at the Hakshop for the device I need:


    Unfortunately it is sold out, however it is called both a "UART Cable" as well as a "Serial TTL cable".

    Can someone clarify for me if the cable I have is correct?

    I do not want to connect it until I have verification, because I am very afraid of frying the MK IV.

    I am also aware that I should NOT connect the VDD pin on the MK IV.

    Thank you for your help.

  5. I dont really feel like reflashing the pineapple, especially since it works just fine otherwise. It is slightly annoying that my status screen on the web ui just keeps filling up with junk.

    The set up I am currently running is the mk4 connected to the ethernet port to my netbook, and the netbook connected to my router's wifi. Then I run the wp4.sh script.

    Even though my netbook is connected to the normal wifi (not the pineapple), about every 30 seconds I get a new line of garbled ssid associated from my own netbook.

    This would make more since if I was in monitor mode and performing some injection or something, but the netbook is in managed mode.

    Its weird.


    Using Windows 7 on a different computer, I have verified that I cannot see the garbled ssids in the network list. This is good news, as I was worried that the garbled ssids would be seen by others, possibly giving away the fact that something suspicious was going on.

    So in reality, it just becomes a display glitch.

    Still, it would be nice to know why, and if there is anything I can do about it.

    Has anyone else seen behavior like this on a linux system?

  6. First off, I would like to say great work to everyone involved with this project, it is a very impressive piece of hardware and software. Not only that, but the community here is excellent and very helpful.

    I'm seeing what I think is odd behavior with Karma, and I was hoping someone could clue me in on what is going on.

    I only recently received the pineapple mark 4, but I believe I understand the concept of how Karma / Jasager works.

    It responds to the probe requests sent out by the client and spoofs its ssid to make the client believe it is connected to another network.

    I will try to give as much info as I can.

    Pineapple Hardware Version: Mark 4 (AP121U)

    Pineapple Software Version: 2.3.1

    OS used to connect to the pineapple: Backtrack R2 on Asus T91MT Netbook

    Network layout of how your setup is connected (including IP information):

    Pineapple is plugged in to power only, no ethernet connections on either port.

    Netbook is connected to the pineapple through wifi (ssid: pineapple). Karma is off.

    Pineapple IP:

    Netbook IP:

    Netbook has one interface (wlan0), and it is in managed mode. No monitor devices created.

    All the tools/options that are running on the pineapple when the issue happened:

    I have all the available modules installed to usb, most are disabled.

    The enabled tools/options/modules are:

    - Cron Jobs

    - DNS Spoof

    Ping results from computer to pineapple:

    100% packets received, I have no issues using the Web UI nor SSH.

    Is the problem repeatable (Yes/No):

    Yes, I will explain below.

    Steps taken which created the problem:

    Everything works with the setup described above. The issues occur once I enable Karma.

    I enable karma on the web ui using the netbook. The ui responds that Karma is enabled.

    At this point, I am still connected to the pineapple, and can browse around the web ui with no issues. The ssid is still "pineapple".

    After this, I disconnect my netbook, and attempt to connect to a hidden wireless network by the name of "testingkarma".

    Before doing so, I double check that this network is not saved in the network connections, ensuring that this is the first time the netbook ever sent out a probe for "testingkarma".

    The netbook disconnects from the ssid "pineapple" and the network icon appears like it is looking for the network.

    After a moment, I see that the netbook has connected to an ssid, however this is where things look very strange.

    I believe the attached screenshots will show it best.

    I'm thinking that the issue is related more to the netbook than the pineapple.

    I have issues keeping the netbook connected to the pineapple, however when I connect wirelessly using Windows 7 from my desktop, there are no issues at all.

    With the netbook, it will connect for a short while (perhaps 30 seconds), then it will disconnect.

    After the disconnect, I try to reconnect to the ssid "testingkarma", but instead a connection is established to a garbled ssid.

    I also have a Fonera 2100 with the Mark 3 firmware installed, I will be trying this same procedure with it later today.

    Error Messages:

    None that I can find.

    Log file information:

    Surprisingly, /www/pineapple/logs/association.log is completely empty.

    Also, there are no logs present in /usb/logs/

    Are there other places I should be looking for logs?

    Anything else that was attempted to 'fix' the problem:

    I tried multiple connections, rebooting both the netbook and pineapple in between.

    Same behavior occurs.




  7. Hello all,

    I have a Fon 2100 A/B/C, and I am currently building a serial cable so I can flash it with the older Mark 1 firmware (it currently has a stock Fonera firmware).

    This is more of a preemptive question, since I don't actually have the hardware ready yet. I have seen videos on Youtube showing the impressive Mark 4 interface (great work guys!), and I am wondering if there is a way to update the web interface on the old Mark 1 firmware to the new web interface used on the Mark 4?

    I know I cannot simply flash the Mark 4 firmware to my Fonera, rather, I was thinking that there might be a way to copy over the web interface file from a Mark 4 to the Mark 1.

    I did try searching the forums for topics of a similar sort, but did not seem to find any. If you know of any information that could help me out, could you point me in the right direction? Many of the wiki pages related to the old Mark 1 firmware are giving 404 errors.

    Thanks in advance!

  8. I am looking to buy the Fonera 2202, also known as the Fonera 2.0g from anyone who has one to sell.

    I have looked everywhere online to find one (Amazon, Ebay, Craigslist, Google Shopping, etc) but they seem to be hard to come by.

    If anyone has one they want to sell, or if anyone has ANY information on where to get one of these, please let me know!

    Thank you.

  9. This tool is great and I look forward to the next release!

    Until then, I would like to contribute a few changes I made.

    First off, I noticed that once you patch in the tables, booting is slow and requires a lot of ram, because the ISO is copied into ram before being run. For that reason, I changed my APE installation to boot directly from the USB stick by extracting the files out of the ISO.

    I also made small changes to many of the batch files to allow target drive letters to be changed.

    Finally, I fixed a few problems I was having in the nu2menu.xml that were causing some of the menu items to be disabled.

    I attached my changes and instructions. Perhaps this will be useful to others as well?

    Keep up the excellent work Sablefoxx!

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