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Posts posted by Dazz

  1. I never throw stuff out and if its broken i take it apart and scavenge it for electrical components which are in perfect working order. I'm spewing that i did de-solder all the caps and transformer off of a power supply i threw away the other day...should have kept it.

  2. I was more speaking in terms of linux compatibility because I have heard with some that there is problems installing it and getting all the hardware to work properly. I was going to edit the post because i know it sounds a bit wanky. I'm not a big user of linux at home (or though i use unix at uni and have the yellowdog dist on my ps3) so i don't know a lot about it.

  3. What is currently the best 10-inch netbook for hacking(ie good for wireless hacks and can run linux)? I'm tossing up between getting an Asus 1000HA or similar now, or waiting and getting something like the new samsung n510 which has a 11.6-inch screen and the new ion chip and looks damn sexy imo.

  4. I'm trying to find a program which will show me what memory addresses are being used by what applications/processors. A friend of mine also had a program where you could search memory for specific values and then modify them, but i have forgotten its name.

    Any help is much appreciated :P

  5. Yep i've had the exact same idea for a while but i was going to take it a step further and incorporate ir head tracking (or possibly with a webcam through the use of faceAPI) which allows you to look more naturally through your environment.

    For the DDR mat you could write some simple software to detect things like running and croucing (possible going prone as well).

    The issue is now project natal possibly makes this all look like arcane crap. I just hope someone manages to hack project natal or the api becomes freely available because its potential is limitless

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