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Posts posted by Ekoh

  1. As far as TRK goes the only successful way I've been able to boot it on one partition (while I'm sure there are others) is by having the TRK iso contents on the root of your drive and not in a separate folder (in your case /Trinity).

    My menu entry looks like this and works well:

    title Trinity Rescue Kit 3.3 (default)
    kernel /kernel.trk ramdisk_size=49152 root=/dev/ram0 vga=788 splash=verbose pci=conf1 vollabel=MULTIPASS
    initrd /initrd.trk

  2. Is there anyway to use SARDU in combination with other iso's? Creating a SARDU iso and booting from grub does not seem to work, but using SARDU's "Create Bootable USB" utility makes everything work fine. However, I would still like to be able to use BT3, Ophcrack and Kon-boot that are currently working on my legacy grub multipass and installing SARDU would remove everything that is currently on the drive.

    Would it be possible to load SARDU on another partition, say (hd0,2) and have a grub menu entry like

    title Boot Second Partition
    rootnoverify (hd0,2)
    chainloader +1

    to boot? If not is there any other way to achieve what I am trying to do?

  3. Does anyone have a working Kav Rescue Disk or Avira Rescue Disk on their multipass? I've tried using both on separate machines and both fail to work once booted up. Kav I get past the initial load screen fine, but it never makes it to the GUI. When it goes to mount my hdds it cannot find any and says something to the extent of "Please specify ROOT drive": and entering in /dev/sda1 or /dev/hda1 does not work.

    Avira is a similar issue. It gets into the GUI but stops at Loading Modules- 98% for about 5 minutes and then pauses at Mounting (fd0). When I open the commandline and run fdisk -l , it shows all of my hdds, but refuses to mount with (mount /dev/sda1 /mnt) them in any directory saying "this directory does not exist" when it clearly be seen that it does with a simple "ls". Any help is much appreciated.

    color green/black
    title Kaspersky
    find --set-root /kavrescue.iso
    map /kavrescue.iso (hd32)
    map --hook
    root (hd32)
    chainloader (hd32)
    title Avira
    find --set-root /avirates2t.iso
    map /avirates2t.iso (hd32)
    map --hook
    root (hd32)
    chainloader (hd32)
    title Trinity Rescue Kit 3.3 (default)
    kernel /kernel.trk ramdisk_size=49152 root=/dev/ram0 vga=788 splash=verbose pci=conf1 vollabel=EKOHBOOT
    initrd /initrd.trk
    title Hirens 9.9
    kernel /HBCD/memdisk
    initrd /HBCD/boot.gz
    title MemTest86+ 
    kernel /memtestp.bin 
    title DBAN
    kernel /memdisk
    initrd /dban.img
    title Macrium Reflect
    map (hd0,0)/macriumreflect.iso (hd32)
    map --hook
    chainloader (hd32)
    title Main Menu
    configfile /menu.lst

  4. Yeah I'm a little stumped myself. Machines that restart on the boot command seem to work well for me with

    title ---===Boot from HardDisk after KonBoot===---
    map (hd0) (hd1)
    map (hd1) (hd0)
    map --hook
    root (hd0,1)
    chainloader (hd0,1)+1

    I would be curious to see if it works for your friend's Dell boxes too. As for the other with "Ntfs partition" and hang..I'm really not sure what to do with that one. Surprisingly, the code did work when it was used not in conjunction with Konboot on the hanging machines ie. booting from the multipass and just hitting boot from HardDisk instead of hitting Kon-boot first. If people from the forums could throw out some other ideas on code that would boot hdd partitions, no matter how crazy/silly they are, one may work.

  5. Atomik I tested your method on the two actual windows boxes. Both work fine on looping back to the grubloader but on the

    title Boot Windows off First Hard Disk after Konboot 
    root (hd1,0) 
    chainloader (hd1,0)+1

    one of the machines pauses at "Filesystem is NTFS partition", while the other restarts instead of booting straight into Windows..which messes up Konboot. The restart issue I was able to figure out by mapping the drives instead using:

    title ---===Boot from HardDisk after KonBoot===---
    map (hd0) (hd1)
    map (hd1) (hd0)
    map --hook
    root (hd0,1)
    chainloader (hd0,1)+1

    I'm assuming the "map (hd0) (hd1)" is unnecessary since I don't really need to map the flash drive at this point...nevertheless this was successful on the restarting problem machine. On the pausing machine..it again just pauses at "Filesystem is NTFS partition" and refuses to boot into Windows.

    Psychosis I'm assuming by mapping the drives first you mean something like this:

    title Kon-Boot (GPC Success)
    map (hd0) (hd1)
    map (hd1) (hd0)
    map --hook
    kernel /memdisk
    initrd /FD0-konboot-v1.1-2in1.img

    This did not work (said something like "refuse to hook int13 becuase of empty drive map table", however mapping the drives at the end did work, on one machine (the machine that is not pausing to be specific).

  6. Atomik thanks for the idea, unfortunately it just looped me back to the main grub page. Using a little bit of Atomik's idea and some of your others I came up with a few lines that were successful on one machine. However Hal0's VM gave me an error when I tried to use it, and the other comp just hung at "Booting UP! - EOT" like usual. Ideally I would like Kon-boot to consistently work all the comps so hopefully you all can find a flaw/fix in my partially successful code to make it successful with the other computers and VMs.

    Successful on 1/3 machines:

    title KonBoot 
    kernel /memdisk
    initrd /FD0-konboot-v1.1-2in1.img
    map (hd0) (hd1)
    map (hd1) (hd0)
    map --hook

  7. I tried all of your suggestions for kon-boot, so far no luck. The most improvement I saw was by removing the second "map --hook" line which just looped me back to the main grubloader page (if you call that improvement) all the others just gave the same result as before. And yes Ingo I am using the floppy .img and not the .iso.

    Quick Ophcrack side note, one of my machines that is working when I use Ophcrack is split /dev/sda1, /dev/sda2 and /dev/sda3 however on boot only /dev/sda3 mounts and not being windows partition launch.sh then gives the error, "no windows partitions with hashes found". To remedy the problem I have been just manually mounting /sda2 and having to navigate to my tables once ophcrack loads (semi-pain). Is there anyway to change the launch.sh or some other file in order for /sda2 to mount on startup so I dont have to spend 4 minutes loading up my tables?

  8. Been having some weird issues with Kon-boot and Ophcrack on the multipass. My multipass is using grub legacy on a 16GB Patriot usb flash drive (not that the drive would make any difference). I have tested the multipass on 3 separate machines which include HAL0_F00's VM and two other windows boxes.

    Issues with Kon-Boot: The issues all begin when I get to the Kon-boot splash screen. Either I will get "BIOS seems to be OK." "Booting Up! - EOT" and it will just hang, or on one windows box I get something to the extent of "Dummy BIOS Seems to be in place, fixing SMAP BIOS entries" "Booting up! -EOT" and then an error stating I do not have enough physical memory to load Windows Boot Manager. I've tried downloading another floppy image, but no luck.

    Issues with Ophcrack: This issue only appears on one of the three machines, so I assume it is a BIOS configuration error on my part or some sort of video card incompatibility. On this box Ophcrack loads to the "Configure X" screen right before the Slitaz login, but instead of offering numerous resolutions it offers: "xterm 800x600x16" "xorg Installer Xorg" and "quit Quitter". Obviously none of these have worked. I have tried serveral different LiveCD isos from different mirrors on their site but none have worked on the machine thus far.

    I appreciate any ideas the Hak5 community has to offer :D.

    Current menu.lst:

    color green/black
    title BackTrack 3 FINAL
    root (hd0,0)
    kernel /bootbt3/vmlinuz vga=0x317 ramdisk_size=6666 root=/dev/ram0 rw quiet
    title Ophcrack Live 2.3.1
    kernel /boot/boot.ophcrack/bzImage rw root=/dev/null vga=normal lang=C kmap=us 
    screen=1024x768x16 autologin
    initrd /boot/boot.ophcrack/rootfs.gz
    title Kon-Boot
    map --mem /FD0-konboot-v1.1-2in1.img (fd0)
    map --hook
    chainloader (fd0)+1
    map (hd1) (hd0)
    map --hook
    rootnoverify (fd0)
    title Memtest86+
    kernel /memdisk
    initrd /memtestp.bin
    title Hirens 9.9
    kernel /Hirens_root/memdisk
    initrd /hirens_root/boot.gz
    title Trinity Rescue Kit 3.3 (default)
    kernel /kernel.trk ramdisk_size=49152 root=/dev/ram0 vga=788 splash=verbose pci=conf1 vollabel=EKOHBOOT
    initrd /initrd.trk

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