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Imperial Wolf

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Posts posted by Imperial Wolf

  1. Yes, they had every right to investigate them, but when america pushes for loud public arrests, with nothing but creating fear on a massive scale as there agenda its wrong. For one, if they were expecting liquid explosives, why take every bottle they could find and put them in open bins next to large crowds of people? Surely thats a dumb move? Its things like that, and the fact that the majority of the people they arrested didn't even has passports, which makes me cry "its a crock of shit!". It was a staged photo op. not a serious anti terrorism move.

    I believe that the government definitely over reacted and caused more panic than was neccessary. I mean 10,000 people lost thir baggage all because the government didnt even give the major airlines and airports any warning or support.

  2. And once again you ignore the opportunity to get back to the argument and debate the issue. All i see is you ranting about how I am a evil far right groupie cyber-facist nutter who 'parrots' what i see and hear in the media when REALLY most people would agree with much of what I say and would respect my right to say it.

    Its ok I get it! you want to tell the world that you are an-uber individual who wont let any external entities influence you. Now get over it and lets debate the topic.

    Did the government do the right thing in arresting the suspected terrorists? Discuss

  3. wetelectric you are by far the most obnoxious person i have ever encountered on a forum, And ive been on a few.

    I dont get my views from TV, radio or newspaper. I will go onto google news when ever I have a minute and I wish i had the time to watch tv but i dont. I work in a cybercafe 12 hours a day so all i have is the internet to pass away the hours.

    Now since my posts were not in pop-up book format i imagine you may have had some trouble reading my posts so just for you i'll try and summarise.

    1. Home grown Islamic extremism is dangerous in this country and should be dealt with as swiftly as possible.

    2. Many muslims turn a blind eye to this extremism in their communities and they need to work with the government to deal with it. This needs to be done to save muslim lives just as much as anyone elses.

    3. Though i may have been wrong about Vako on the left side of the political spectrum i still believe that many, if not most, can be labeled as being right wing, left wing, conservate, liberal etc.

    4. You are more reactionary and aggressive than any tabloid. Your arguments are non existent and your points are more slanderous than anything else. If a civil debate is going to take place between us then you need to calm down.

    5. Im not BNP one of my mates is from thailand and another from china.

    Now lets get a debate going and stop this game of flamer tennis

  4. wetelectric argue with my points dont just have a go at the person saying it, your worse than most politicians :p.

    Couldn't give a crap about foxes... but crappy schools and hospitals should probally be looked it. And no, i don't mean yet more performance targets, complicated budgets and more managers.

    What do you know? we do agree on something.

  5. but one mans progress is another mans regress. Was banning fox hunting progress? to people who lived in town then yes it was but to the countryside it has had disastrous consequences that I have witnessed first hand.

    I suppose if im safe, the economy is strong and a sense of community is prevelant then i dont mind. I know apathy is a terrible attitude but really in the grand scheme of things its all that really matters. I think I will wait until i see a political party with the same core values before i vote again.

  6. Thats not debate, thats flaming.

    It was retaliation ;)

    Ive been stopped and searched a couple of times and I never took offence to it (i didnt think i looked too much like a chav).

    The problem here is that i am quite clearly on the right side of the political spectrum and you (and probably about 90% of forum users) are on the left. We'll struggle to agree on anything more than hak5 rocks.

  7. Well judging by your jay and silent bob avatar i can see you are a well educated man who knows the difference between a forum debate and 'shit that is truly retarded'.

    Look im not on anyone's side. The government is on its toes and feels it needs to be looking to do something regardless for who pays for it.

    Many muslims are 100% behind this country and they have nothing but my respect but some mulsims are 100% against this country, a country that has looked after them and offered them a chance to start a fresh. They have nothing but my hate.

    Right now I feel that, by looking at the polls, too many muslims are turning against this country and what is going to happen is that the country is going to turn against them. Im not saying that this is a good or bad thing im just saying that its going to happen and if muslims are with us they should join us and shun the extremists who turn their religion into a message of hate.

    IMO Many muslims stand back and ignore the problems in their own communities until its too late.

  8. http://blog.foreignpolicy.com/node/1379


    I dont believe all muslims are extremists and i dont believe i even implied that in my post. The poll above shows that significant portions of the islamic faith are anti-west and significant portions of the islamic faith are pro-west. I dont believe they are all extremists.

    What i do believe though is that the islamic faith, as a whole, is interpretted so wrongly by so many people that i feel that it has become dangerous. Moderate muslims turn a blind eye to the blatant racism and hostility that many of their faith show to the west. This hostility will force native british people onto the defensive and as such they will turn the intolerance back onto the muslims who shun them creating a massive divide in britain that will only make matters worse.

    I think that perhaps a get with the programme or get out of the country strategy needs to be implimented. I know it may be extreme, harsh even, but when I see radical clerics and british born suicide bombers claiming dole i want to see something done about it.

    For me the bottom line is if people from the arab states want to move to this country then they have to be prepared to learn english and swear allegiance to this country. I think the best thing moderate muslims can do is start taking our side instead of the extremist's and perhaps stop the divide.

  9. What I really fear is the hardcore left using these government arrests and similar ones as a justification for their left wing policies they would use to tackle the problem of terrorism. I mean in an age of islamic extremism i sure as hell dont want any liberals making the tough descisions.

    Im not scared when I see the government intercepting terrorists or suspected terrorists infact it makes me feel very secure and safe. Without a doubt people will draw parallels with our current political situation with 1984 or V for Vendetta but the truth of the matter is that quite a lot of people will gladly sacrafice civil liberties for the feeling of safety. Im not one of them, I value my civil liberties to an extent, but at the end of the day its a democracy and if people vote for a more totaltarian oriented government then thats up to them.

    Of course people should perhaps have a look at the wider picture which is islamic extremism.

    People who are following the islamic religion worldwide are getting more and more extreme in their beliefs. Of course the left will blame this on israel and palestine and the war in iraq etc but the reasons, in my opinion, are irrelevant, a man can find reasons for anything all he needs is his own belief in the righteousness of his convictions. I have it, you have it, stalin had it, neo-nazis have it, hippies have it, everyone has it and as such WE are responsible for our actions. I dont care how many reasons someone has to blow up a school or murder civilians YOU CANT BLAME ISRAEL. I dont care how many reasons israel have for blowing up ambulances and killing civilians YOU CANT BLAME LEBANNON.

    If a people or a country go to war then thats fine but attacking innocent civilians isnt on. Go to war for glory or land or wealth or for fun as long as you make a point of avoiding civillian casualties at all costs. To be fair i think america and the rest of the coaltion do make an effort to avoid civilian casualties (though probably only because they want to avoid bad publicity) and i dont mind why any country goes to war as long as they take responsibility and conduct it with honour.

    Back to islam in this country and i have to say it is the most troublesome religion at the moment. We can all look back in history and see what extremism in any religion can do and I think, at the moment, islam is dangerous. moderate muslims, like christians, acknowledge that elements of their religous texts could be dangerous if read in the wrong context but the problem it is only muslims who are doing this. I dont see jews or budhists or christians blowing themselves up because they dont read too much into hit. Something i noticed while i was in dundee was that many muslims dont make the effort to integrate themselves into the community.

    No doubt people will scream 'but look at the crusades' and they would be right to but history is not the point of conversation.

    All this is ranting though let me get back on point and if, as i suspect, people wish to skip to a point then this is it...

    With regards to the recent terrorist arrests. Well...better the government suspicions are wrong and they were arrested than them being correct and letting them be.

    I love my country and my community but sometimes you have to make a choice between national security and civil liberties and at the moment i am prepared to have my and others civil rights interfered with, after all I aint got anything to hide. ;)

  10. I have just finished studying at abertay doing a computing networks course. One of the modules was about network security and the guy in charge (who seemed to know his stuff) said he would be helping teach this new course.

    The module i did, which is included in the course, included basic stuff such as ports and a little vb programming to show basic networking code and things you can do once you get someone to run a .exe file on their pc.

    If i were to go back i would most certainly consider the course, looks like a lot of fun and probably something you could build a career from.

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