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Posts posted by i.have.rewt

  1. If you enjoy keeping up to date with operating systems such as Windows and *nix systems their vulnerabilities and such, which requires gobs amount of time, then yes it should be fun for you. But of course the buck doesn't stop there. Lifetime careers are made with analyzing and creating a more secure C*sco product as well..

    It really depends on your stance. Where do you want to be? There's many things you can do in security. It's up to you if you want to generalize your knowledge, specialize or be a cowboy-I-do-it-all.

  2. Hmm well I think you've been found out and any further defense on your part is...hmmm..futile?

    I may be new here but I believe this thread had run its course after your first post.

    *voting for a lockout or further flaming of thread starter*

  3. Also, the average laptop user isn't savvy enough to know how to use a VPN, or other types of remote access without proper training. But then again it's NOT THAT HARD FFS.

    EVEN MY MOTHER (mother jokes need not apply :P) knows how to remote in securely to her workplace.

    And for Christ sakes, it's like you said THE MILITARY..they should encrypt their HDs, train their people in secure IT practices, even if it's high level stuff so that people are more aware. God forbid they won't be subject to such stupidity on a regular basis.


  4. Wow how retarded.

    It sounds like the black hats want to retain control. They're not truly in favor of better security. This is recockulous bullcrap.

    I completely agree with what digip said, most white hackers that find these sorts of things will first notify the vendor that owns the software rights, report it to them and THEN disclose it. SO.. the vendor will have a patch out very soon (minus mc$ft, they like to wait) for IT people.

    I can't and won't go on about this, because it's not worth getting pissed off against such an absurdity.

  5. Wow that's interesting man. No I haven't had any activity. Some attempts on my FTP server, but they get banned after 3 fails anyway -- they're not even trying the right usernames and my passwords are 10+ long alphanum + spec chars

    I see from the log they are running scans and different attacks, but what services are you running?

    I'm trusting you have everything patched up to date and good strong passwords.. :)

    Now that I remember.. I was getting a series of attacks from China, but that was a while ago.

  6. Printed publications like magazines are pretty much dead anyway.

    Yea who reads those things with paper in them nowadays. Wait! Oh yea!

    They're called BOOKS, PAMPHLETS and MAGAZINES.

    I doubt B&N, grocery stores, drug stores, and other book stores would get rid of their magazine racks if they didn't sell enough of them IMHO.


  7. While it's a good idea to help yourself get experience with automation and scripts, this "automation" isn't as ideal because it's like SomethingToChatWith said.. it's not saving you any time at all.

    HOWEVER, shutdown and reboot scripts can be used in a networking environment for automating such things. I have experience with them back in high school we needed to power down the library computers at the end of each day to save power.. there were around 100 computers to shutdown and you can imagine that would suck ass.

    Who the hell wants to walk around to all of them going through the shutdown sequence? So we automated it from the NT server station.

    In that environment we didn't need to worry about saving anyone's files since we made sure beforehand that no one was left in the lab.

  8. While learning programming languages is good, most are not as low-level as they need to be for certain attacks (overflows, TCP/IP-based attacks, forging and whatnot) that hackers can use, such as C with assembly code or assembly via hex within C coding... thus what I mean is the fundamentals of computer architecture will go a long way.

    I suggest taking a class or two on computer architecture. I did and I designed several CPU's in the classes. Quite valuable IMHO.

    Learn the fundamentals of assembly code -- the stack, registers, commands, stack arithmetic/offset, etc

    Learn operating systems (memory management, scheduling/priority, etc), sys calls for Linux/Windows (hell even vm_splice() wasn't found to have a problem until recently)

    If you want to learn cryptography then I suggest a few classes:

    Linear Algebra (the foundation you need)

    Discrete Mathematics (lower division, not bad for freshmen-level and up)

    Introduction to advanced math (an upper division course I took)

    Number Theory (this is the big one, the formal of foundation, IMO, of cryptographic design)

    I don't have any links as I am tired and lazy..most of that stuff I mentioned I learned while earning my degree.

    A good read was "Hacking: The Art of Exploitation" (shellcode, tcp fun, cryptography, etc)

    "Gray Hat Hacking" -- get the 1st and 2nd editions because they DO DIFFER in content!

    • Upvote 1
  9. Old thread I know, I'm sorry...

    Filezilla + php + mySQL + http ...if you really really really need the slow GUI and HTTP requests to go along with the file sharing.

    I did this actually. Works great. Set up the groups, permissions, then accounts.

    then set up the files/folders to be shared. Downfall is you'd need to do some more hacking to be able to allow users to register themselves with the system -- I don't think it should be that hard, just some tinkering with FileZilla.

    really..otherwise, have them just use FTP. It saves many headaches IMO

  10. Hey people I'm new to the forums, hope to learn lots here.

    In my debut I'd like to share some code I've created.

    here's the thing.. I'm looking for changes to a website and I hate to have to keep on going back to check it manually..plus there's a bunch of other sites I need to check. This script can be the foundation of some other great implementations.

    So when there's a change it sends me a text message to my phone. The neat thing is that all I have to do is send the message to an email address like: phonenumber@vtext.com

    Now this may not apply to all carriers of course but it definitely works for Verizon.

    I also have this set up to run on a schedule using my home server --since it's on 24/7, I can be sure the script works. When it doesn't I'm notified via the operating system that the job failed...but that's another can of worms.

    This can be easily modified to do other neat things and I recommend using SSH tunneling whenever you can to improve security. Or if your email service allows it, to use the secure email connection function from Python. (Please please please use Google or python's interactive mode dir/help commands..but I will help if something more difficult arises)

    Requires: phone (and a carrier that allows sms via email) + Python + email account (that allows SMTP access)

    #! /bin/usr/env/ python
    import urllib
    import smtplib
    from email.mime.text import MIMEText
    #Use your email address
    addr_from = 'myaddr@gmail.com'
    pw = 'mypass'
    #Phone number including area code
    number = '1112223333'
    #Change this domain to your carrier's text messaging service domain
    domain = 'vtext.com'
    #Your email carrier for using their send mail service
    SMTPserver = 'smtp.gmail.com'
    urlToCheck = 'www.change_this.com'
    ###### You shouldn't need to change anything below this line
    addr_to = number + '@' + domain
    cached_name = 'cached.html'
    try: f = open(cached_name, 'r')
    except: pass
    try: lines = f.readlines()
    except: lines = []
    try: f.close()
    except: pass
    def sendit(msg):
        # Send the message via our own SMTP server, but don't include the
        # envelope header.
        s = smtplib.SMTP(SMTPserver)
        print s.ehlo()
        print s.starttls()
        print s.ehlo()
        print s.login(addr_from, pw)
        print s.sendmail(addr_from, [addr_to], msg.as_string())
        print s.quit()
    def main():    
        spb_page = urllib.urlopen(urlToCheck)
        wwwlines = spb_page.readlines()
        if lines and not (lines == wwwlines):
            txt = 'Testing page has changed!'
            print txt
            msg = MIMEText(txt)
            f = open(cached_name, 'w')
        if not lines:
            f = open(cached_name, 'w')
    if __name__ == '__main__': main()

    Happy hacking!

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