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Posts posted by litefire

  1. You can run a live CD on your Windows PC. Boot from the CD and the OS runs entirely in RAM. It doesn't install on your hard drive, nor does it write/read data to/from it ... unless you specifically perform a write/read operation. This is the way that I first started to play around with it and I'm planning to install it into VMWare shortly.

    i don't recommend this, because VMWare doesn't see my wireless adapter, so you can't do anything wirelessly such as aircrack or anything of the like. I'm not sure if it's just me, but how hard is it to restart your computer and boot from cd?

  2. So i found this via Stumble Upon..


    Quoted from the site..

    "Black Alchemy's Fake AP generates thousands of counterfeit 802.11b access points. Hide in plain sight amongst Fake AP's cacophony of beacon frames. As part of a honeypot or as an instrument of your site security plan, Fake AP confuses Wardrivers, NetStumblers, Script Kiddies, and other undesirables."

    I found this interesting because i thought of using it for the opposite of what its meant for, setting up a sniffer and doing stuff like that..

    Would this be possible? or am I on the wrong track?


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