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Posts posted by carcar1

  1. I figured it out. I simply used arpspoof to mix up some arp replies and then I use wireshark to see none encrypted stuff and use ssl strip to get the goodies.

  2. Okay I know what CAN do it. But I need to know HOW to do it. Right now I have a client hooked up to a karmetasploit acces point. When the client goes to a website it comes up "Loading....." I want it to go to the site and then I want the password if it had ssl. I have done it before with arp poising but I want to do it with karma now.

  3. @c0r- I found a guide that works for karmetasploit :) Paired with airdrop-ng my client won't ever see light of day now. BUT karma is running and its logging some goodies but I dont see any passwords? Would ssl strip work?

    *The guide shows how to allow people to passively connect I know airdrop-ng can nullify that. However I want it so they are forced upon being de-authed to automatically hop onto my karma ap.

  4. @c0r that was some good stuff, I'll check more out later. Also his rouge ap script doesn't work for me for some reason :(

    @digip- I was going for more of a Jasaga based approach. Is it possible to get something similar to Jasaga on a Laptop?

  5. I've been messing with transparent rouge ap's but I have tried 3-4 guides. 2 being scripts and some manual. One was uncompleted where it involved iptables but I didnt want to pick and choose guides. Can anyone point me to a guide that works 100%? This is to test on my own home. I have 2 wireless cards both are atheros packet-injecting ready. I am not a noob to cracking wifi and such but when it comes to ap's I've never had any support. Also can Jasaga work on bt4f? I want a fon but I dont want to spend money when I'm sure there are ways to do it on my laptop.

    Thanks Carcar1
  6. Dude even if we told you still would have liek a 30 percent chance of getting the password wpa and wpa2 are very secure which makes them harder to break so people like you dont mess with them.

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