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Posts posted by corcrash

  1. I thought that u could somehow patch the AV like any other program, make the patch start before the AV (probably get it RING 0 privileges), so ASM would be the right choice. But there is a problem i know with NOD32, if any program tries to change it detects the change and asks if u want to allow it. I don't know about other AV's, and nether do i know if it would check its own code if u change it before the start, but it might work.

  2. Lols! Sorry but do u think this is for a small programing challenge? I mean the coding of this program could take months! I suggest someone else makes a challenge, this one is not realistic i u ask me! The challenges should be something u can make in (at most) 2-3 weeks, not something u could sell for 1000$!

  3. #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <windows.h>
    #include <string.h>
    char image[255];
    FILE *file;
    int main(int argc, char *argv[])
        HKEY hKey;
        strcpy(image, argv[1]);
        if((file = fopen(image, "r"))==NULL){
                 printf("The specified file doesn't exist!");
            if(RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Control Panel\\Desktop", 0, KEY_SET_VALUE, &hKey) != ERROR_SUCCESS){
                                           printf("Couldn't open registry!");
            RegSetValueEx(hKey, "Wallpaper", 0, REG_SZ, (const unsigned char*)image, sizeof(image));
        system("RUNDLL32.EXE user32.dll,UpdatePerUserSystemParameters");
        printf("Check your background, it should be changed!");
      return 0;

    There, this is the code, uncommented but if someone doesn't understand something feel free to ask. The program has only one bug, it crashes when no argument is given. So the usage goes like this, "nameofbin nameofimage", the image has to be a 24-bit BMP (don't ask why, its windows) u wanted the program compact so no place for conversion algorithms. I hope u can get it to work, if not ask and ill try to fix that. ^_^

  4. Well, its one of the options. But it took me less than 30min to code this one so, if someone gets the code, he can alter it in no-time. So ether we post the bins and the code when the voting is over, or the one that sets the challenge takes the code and posts it for voting. ^_^

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