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The Noob From Hell

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Posts posted by The Noob From Hell

  1. I did turn on some more lights to compensate for the climate idiotic. This is just a PR jippo and those who turn off the lights are those (cities and companies) that is using most lights to make buildings pretty.

  2. I has just begun to explore ettercap, but when I search info on the InterTubes about ettercap I only find information about sniffing passwords. But I want to learn other thing, I want to monitor my own net to see if there is someone else on the net that is using ettercap or Cain & Able.

    I see a plugin for looking for other sniffers, but I want some more, maybe like a script that disconnect that IP/Mac from the net ang gives me a better warning.

    So I want to see a whole show about "ettercap, for good and evil".

    Edit: I do also miss a episode about "Installing and setup Windows XP for N00bs that do not want to be pawned by script kittys".

  3. My real name is a (badly kept) secret, but I do use the alias kenny_lex, but in this forum I uses a name that gives me a more correct description of me.

    Favourite game: Mahjong

    Favourite OS: LinuxMint and Back|Track

    Favourite console:

    Nationality: SE, Sweden

    Sex: Male, I think

    Age: To freaking old

    Race: That silly sort

    Status: Free, as in to geeky to get a girl.

    Favourite band: None, maybe something classical like Sex Pistols.

    Favourite book: Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy

    Favourite movie: "The Big Lobowski" and "Dogma".

    Favourite TV Show: BSG, Monk and Dexter

    hobbies: Draw Cartoons, Photography, being Pwn by 1337s

    Occupation: Office worker (Non computer related).

    Things that irritate me: That someone did say that the pineapple was a ninja, but it is dressed like a Viking.

  4. You must arp poison your friend and ensure he is on your network.

    My friend was on-line and we did chat via MSN, so I sure that he was on line and active. In the case with the WEP-router near me did I just wait and nothing did happen, and at the industrial area did I actually see they folk was using the computers to surf. The company is in a modern office-building with much glass and several small offices that rent space there, you can go through it and when you do so you can peek and see what they are doing.

    It was in that building I stole 25 post-it from different monitors and found 2 very interesting passwords, but now do they have lots of cameras and you need a card to go to the office spaces. But as I say, it is much glass and you can see what some office do from the café area in the middle.

    Now is it night here, I just got the message, "MITM attacks can't be used on unconfigured interfaces" and I did remember that I am a noob, a noob that must go to bed (and sleep) before I configure my interface and can test my new Ettercap skills ;-)

    P.S Remember; my bad spelling is a combination of noobing and Swedness.

  5. I did try a MiTm attack on my own router (Linksys WRT54GL v1.1), I did use Ettercap from my LapTop (LinuxMint) and I did pickup login names and password from my stationary WinXP computer. My next door friend did ask what I could see leaking from his computer, a LapTop with Win7. But I did not see anything from that computer and I did think that it was something with Win7, maybe IPv6 or something like that.

    Shame on me, I wanted to test it for real and I did know that some one close to me had a WEP, so I did hack it, connected and ran ettercap to see. But the test pugin "chk_poison" just did say that I not had poison any one. Lucky for me did I Pwn the über noob of the block, someone much more noober then me, the login for the router was "admin", so I know the firewall in the router was off.

    One day after did I try it on my lunch brake, I found a WEP that I did hack, but the same thing happen, I could not poison any one. So help me, why can I only poison my net and not the others? Can I set up my router/firewall on Win and Linux so it dose not leak if some one poison me?

    Pleas help a noob. Or better, Has HAK5 any Ettercap episode?

    P.S Sorry for the bad spelling, I am not only a noob, I am also a Swed.

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