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Posts posted by oda777

  1. before we do i will post my version of my challenge .

    puts input.tr('a-z', 'b-za')

    this is a small little code in ruby , .tr is short for translate which is a useful method that i have only seen in ruby and Perl .

  2. import Char
    ceasershift :: [Char] -> Int -> [Char]
    ceasershift [] offset = []
    ceasershift (ch : chs) offset
            | not (isAlpha ch) = ceasershift chs offset
            | isUpper ch = [chr (ord 'A' + (mod (ord ch - ord 'A' + offset) 26))] ++ ceasershift chs offset
            | isLower ch = [chr (ord 'a' + (mod (ord ch - ord 'a' + offset) 26))] ++ ceasershift chs offset

    I was trying to get it into a single line using a list comprehension but can't think of handling upper and lower cases in it nicely.

    that's a really interesting way of writing this code, never seen it like that .

    oh and the way i would describe the difference between css and a language like c++ is this:

    css is like art design , you get an idea of what you want something to look like then you "draw" it , your brush jsut happens to be a set of orders in a script

    C++ on the other hand is like an engineering problem , you want a machine to have a certain function (example: want it to do more than look pretty) you have to build all the parts , put them together right, and then make sure it works with out to many errors .

  3. anybody know if there is an aircrack program that can run on the psp , similar to the one that is run on the ds ?

    mostly just want it to be able to de-auth the connections in the area

    my reasoning for this is so that i can pull off the fun little thing the hak5 guys did with jaseger and a ds in episode 4X07 with out me having to go out and buy a ds and mod chip.

    also for those who are completely new to hacking a psp , i thought this tutorial was helpful for me when i started so it may be useful to others.


  4. i have a challenge if any one is up to it.(i know its suppose to be giving by the winner of the last challenge but just thought I'd give this challenge anyway )

    lang: any

    challenge: create a program that runs a basic Caesar cipher ( takes the letters of the alphabet and moves then over a set number of positions example: a ->b , b->c ....etc...)

    to win: who ever can write the most efficient and short code *hint* if you know the right method this shouldn't take more than a few lines of code .

    time : 1 .5 weeks

  5. ruby is probably the easiest "modern" programming language , at least for me personally , I'd follow that up with either c++ or Perl they are complex enough to get detailed work done, but simple enough that you can browse source code( at least well written source code) and be able to say " okay i see what they did here."

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