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Posts posted by Game2Freak

  1. If you got a work computer that is always on you could have a ssh server on there and connect to it using putty.

    This way you will be using their connection to download stuff and securely sending it to yourself.

    Ofcourse you would have to get permission from your work first, and I doubt they would accept it, unless you have control of their servers, but then if you get caught its a sack-able offence.

    Or you could ask a friend/family if you could do it through their computer instead.

  2. Ok I can log onto secure sites but when I use a port scan it comes up blocked.

    Im no expert at this, but I already have ssh working on port 80 at all the other offices I use. Just im sure this proxy must block ssh as I cant connect.

    Is there any chance you could explain (In a simple guide) how I would set up the proxy and stunnel please

    Thanks for your replies.

    Also any further advice would be appreciated, as I can try things again in the new year.

    Thanks all, much appreciated. :)

  3. Im Currently trying to create a ssh tunnel through a http tunnel, as one of the offices I use has recently had a http proxy installed.

    The Http Proxy they have installed only allows http protocol over port 80.

    So basically what im trying to do is:

    App > SSH Client > Http Tunnel Client > Through Office HTTP Proxy > Http Tunnel Server(WHS) > SSH Server (WHS)

    The reason I need to create these tunnels is because I use remote desktop through ssh tunnels at all of the other offices.

    I have tried a few programs, but seem unable to create a connection to the server.

    Is It possible if someone could explain simply how I would do this and suggest some programs I could use for the http tunnel (Preferably with GUI)?

    Im currently using:-

    Server: Windows Home Server (WHS)


    Client: Windows Xp Pro


    Thanks in Advance for any help. :-)

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