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Posts posted by Kashidom

  1. No offense intended, guys, but the way it' s pronounced is incorrect...

    In there, it sounds like Yeseger... but it' s Ja-Sager... so, for Americans, that would be Yah-Sahger...

    Lately, in the show, it' s been said half-right... so if you'd pronounce the second A like the first, you're right!

    Just trying to help ;)

  2. My name is Jenna Berry a.k.a Kashidom

    Favourite game: HALO trilogy

    Favourite OS: Anything that actually works, so ATM OS X and Vista (which I only used a few times)

    Favourite console: XBOX platforms

    Nationality: Belgian (German/Spanish/Norwegian heritage)

    Accent: Pirate/Indian (as in India, not Native American)

    Sex: Heh... unspecified?

    Age: 23

    Race: White European

    Height: 1m 78 (or 5 11)

    Status: Half-way available. I srsly need a girl Dx

    Build: Thin athletic-ish

    Favourite band: Whatever rocks my socks at the time

    Favourite book: Ew... Hard copy...

    Favourite author: Michelle Paver, if I have to read :3

    Favourite movie: That' s a bunch. But I' ve watched Hackers over and over again. It enables my inner geek... :P

    Favourite director: pfsha... I don't bother

    Favourite TV Show: I like Heroes, but it' s not like I watch it every day. Or week... or whenever they come out (I buy the DVD boxes)

    Favourite actor: Tom Hanks

    Favourite actress: I like a lot of them... no real favorites

    Favourite Pinup: ... none?

    Favourite Comedian: If I really must, Rowan Atkinson... else none

    Other hobbies: Design (industrial to web,) conceptual or normal-ish art, programming... a few more outdoors ones, too

    Car: none ATM... I want a VW Lupo, if they ever go Hybrid (LPG or hydro/electric) :3

    Occupation: Mantha Designs inc. ...that' s short for a lot

    Yeah... =3

    Nice template!

  3. I' ve got some ideas for that missile launcher interface... including the ability to quickly and instantly import skins, using directories =3

    I' d need some info on the infrastructure of the thing and surrounding website. So I can write the thing properly.

    Useful information would be:

    - what interface this runs, does it need Java? Or can it use AJAX, PHP or something of the likes?

    - how will you import these interfaces? Zip-files, bulk upload, anything else?

    Maybe more, in which case you can notify me... :3

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