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Posts posted by Wallis

  1. A question to females/guys who know their shit about ladies.

    I have always been told many things about how to talk to females and how to just generally attempt to go out with them. What I am wondering though is, do females realize that guys are just using these generic tactics on them to get into their pants but are naive about it? Or do they just not know? I mean I personally am not like other guys, I care about the relationship and about the personality, so I do not act like the generic alpha male who can get any girl. So I do not understand if females are just attracted to these alpha males even though they see that they are just using generic tactics to "get" them, and if they do realize that they are only going to be used for sex by those types of guys.

    Are you talking about "generic tactics" like in The Pickup Artist? Most girls are aware of those, and if they aren't, they should watch VH1 more.....whoops, sorry, just threw up a little in my mouth.

    But anyways, if you see girls get talked into bed by a guy laying on the tactics thick, and the girl falls for it, and you think she was somehow....taken advantage of by the clever tounged guy, don't think that. The girl probably knew exactly what she was getting into. Maybe she just wanted to use him for sex to, you know.

    However, if she did somehow expect a meaningful LTR to start with pickup lines in a noisy club...then what can I say...some girls are a little dim.

    But this is true for me:

    I want a guy to stand apart from and above other guys. It doesn't make sense, biologically, to choose generic, mediocre guys, because I'm not a generic, mediocre woman. Show me that you are superior at something, be it kickboxing or public speaking or differential equations or photoshopping or grilling a steak and I'll be interested.

    All of the above would be great too :D

    And another thing...that list is...well. If give my guy a back massage, its not because I know he likes them and so if I do it he'll like me more. It is because I love giving my man back massages. And that's how I feel about pretty much everything in a relationship. Were I a guy, I would feel very mixed about doing things I don't want to do just so a girl will like me more. Wouldn't it be better to find a girl who likes everything you do as is? Without adding shopping and secret telling and whatever else some forwarded email told you generic females like? And don't you want a woman who stands apart and above from other females, anyway?

  2. Ahem, well I used to be here . . . and now I'm back. So since there are many new people here, and maybe some of the people who where here when i was here forgot or something. . . here we go *big breath*

    My name is Wallis

    Nationality: American

    Accent: Generic American, maybe with the littlest bit of Southern in certain situations

    Sex: Female


    Race: White European

    Height: 5'8

    Status: Dating someone.

    Build: haha um, curvy and well proportioned

    Favourite band: at the moment, Placebo

    Favourite book: Jane Eyre

    Favourite author: Jane Austen

    Favourite movie: The Boondock Saints or The Nines or Smokin' Aces

    Favourite director: hmm. . . Ron Howard? John August?

    Favourite TV Show: House or 24

    Favourite actor: Ryan Reynolds

    Favourite actress: Katherine Heigl or Emily Blunt

    Other hobbies: Tennis, reading, hiking, travel, driving, running, swimming, surfing

    Car: Urm. . . either a 03 Chevy Avalanche or a 96 Jeep Cherokee Classic, depending on which country my dad is in. I'm looking for a VW Rabbit/Golf/GTI

    Occupation: Cashier at The Home Depot, soon to be Chemistry student at University of Wyoming

  3. Decemberdesktop.jpg

    So, funny story about the wallpaper.... my dad works with textile machinary/computers on said machines/blah blah blah so we always have a couple of 'em waiting to be fixed laying around my house. I actually got to fix this one myself (okay, it just needed a battery replaced, but still, soldering gun!) so I decided to take a picture to mark the occasion. And then made it grayscale, and look, it matches!

  4. I was at Target and my mother walked up to me and handed me a now hiring flyer and in no uncertain terms said, go and do. so i did. its only a seasonal job, but still, its pulling in some cash.

  5. I guess u shouldnt use big words when talking to them and try to talk slow so the y understand what ur saying and try to talk about girl things like...* has no clue please insert thing girls like to talk about here * and if its a geeky girl just act normal.

    Did you just say to limit your vocabulary and talk slowly when talking to a girl so she understands what you are saying? Where you learned how to act around girls I don't know, but....gah.


    I enjoy talking about politics, religion, automoblies, travel, string theory, omega numbers, music, computers, art, culture, liturature, and other things. Don't try to find something "girls like to talk about" talk about something you like and she likes. Although I have noticed one big difference between guys and gilrs: Even though I do like to talk about each of those things quite a bit, I do enjoy moving from one topic to another, not focusing on one thing for hours.

    For instance, I start talking about my laptop. I move on to developments in laptop technology, then to battery research, then to alternative fuels, then to current events and society. Do you see how those jumps are actually very easy to make? I've found, in general, that girls are very good at associating things, and sometimes guys can get lost in what seems like a completely off topic jump in the conversation.

    btw, the little jumps there are battery limitations--battery development, including methane fuel cells--hydrogen fuel cell powered cars--the price of oil--the "hydrogen economy" and what would have to change for that to happen in our society as a whole.

    Anyways, i'm just rambling here.


  6. Okay, as a geeky girl interested in geeky guys, I have made a list of the pros and cons of dating said geeks:


    1. Geeky guys are often even more oblivious to a girl's interest in them than the average guy. You would think with the increased intelligence they would be more perceptive, but alas, this is not true.

    2. Geeky guys often have some sort of aversion to the sun, which means they don't enjoy taking walks in the sun. "AHHH IT BURNS IT BURNS" (actual quote)

    3. In a coed school such as mine where members of the opposite sex can't go into the other's dorms, it is sometimes difficult to see them because they are always on their computer. However, this can be remedied by using another male friend to forcefully remove them from said dorm.

    4. It is sometimes inadvisable to let a geek boyfriend borrow one's laptop. One might end up with some "surprises" put there for kicks.


    1. Geeks are often very intelligent, which I find attractive.

    2. Geeks also rarely harbor a passionate love for spectator sports.

    3. Geeks often have--for one reason or another--more pocket money than the average male teenager.

    4. Geeks are capable, if not always willing, to help me with my programming class.

    5.GEEKS ARE HOT! I know several extremely attractive geeks. Not that hotness is the most important thing, intelligence is number one for me personally, but having that pale skin wire frame glasses and black tees with something sarcastic written on it and a pair of carpenter jeans and... okay, maybe I'm just talking about a particular geek here, but seriously!

    As far as the starter of this post goes....your ex sleeping around didn't seem to have anything to do with you being a geek. Maybe she was tired of you sitting with a laptop in your lap rather than her, I don't know. Maybe it was the cheeseburgers, who knows.

    Well, that was a very long post, just thought y'all wanted to know it from the source, there seemed to be a lot of hypothesizing going on there, and I just wanted to clear somethings up.


  7. I love it. the teachers are much much better than they were at my old school, the kids here are all really smart and there is always something cool to do. I can't imagine having to stay at my old school.

    it is government run, so its practially free, and they give $5000 for a research project i'll do at a a uni or industry research lab this summer, and its a great way to go to college for free, so i'm so happy to be here.

  8. lol, i think its funny that the people my age have this idea that the not-cool is cool, because it is not cool, and i can tell you who to blame this on:

    Napoleon Dynamite. He's so not cool, he's cool. Also that strong bad email from 3 years ago, I'm so cool, you don't even know I'm cool kinda cool.

    My generation embraces the plain, the kitsch, the retro that our parents try to avoid.

    Astromodder, i think your background is very kickass, if only because I didn't know it was when i first saw it.

  9. I've grown up on Dells, my dad's business is completely run on dells, every computer newer than say 10 years is a dell. I've always found them to be dependable with little or no problems. I'm on a Dell refurb laptop right now, and it has never, ever, ever given me any problems.

  10. Basically Linux is a giant blackhole that will suck in all your free time as you spend hours configuring the simplest thing...

    Well, good thing I quit Model UN. Resolved: All time formerly spent researching for Model UN will now be spent learning Linux. And doing my chemistry labs...speaking of which...I should be writing up a report for one now. Damn.

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