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Posts posted by microsofth4k0r

  1. Im kind of a n00b and I didn't read all the threads so someone might have already asked this but is it possible for there to be a metasploit module in Pocket Knife? like, it could get the system info analyze it and come up with a list of possible exploits. Then u could exploit that computer when u get home. pls reply if this would be possible. Im not much of a programmer. I hardly know C++ so i might not be of much help.

  2. Im kind of a n00b, in fact i am very much a n00b i just joined 2day! I didnt read all the threads so someone might have already asked this but is it possible for there to be a metasploit module in switchblade? like, it could get the system info analyze it and come up with a list of possible exploits. Then u could exploit that computer when u get home. pls reply if this would be possible. Im not much of a programmer. I hardly know C++ so i might not be of much help.

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