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Posts posted by berkeley

  1. No I wish, I got it given to me by a friend because it got coke spilled on it (luckily it was off). So I took it apart and cleaned it. It worked great for like 6 months. but that voided the warranty. I probly should have just sent it back when he gave it to me lol.

  2. Wouldnt that be offset though by OverClocking?

    The GigaByte motherboard I'm looking at getting seems to like OC'ing.

    I can't say from personal experiance as I have been with Intel since Core 2s came out,but

    I have a friend who overclocks obsessively, and according to him AMD processors (particularly the Phenom) run really hot even before OCing and if you do OC them, cooling them enough that they are stable is damn near impossible.

    But once again no personal experience.

  3. ah I'm glad you agree. I definitely expected to have everyone start flaming how awful piracy is.

    But honestly, in the last month I pirated Dead Space, Far Cry 2, and Call of Duty: World at War. And since I pirated them, I have actually purchased both Dead Space and Far Cry. I was unimpressed by Call of Duty, so I uninstalled it.

    I don't think I stole anything. If I like a game, I will support its makers, and more selfishly I will want to play the multiplayer, or have access to something the pirated edition wont, and 95% of the time I end up buying the game.

    God that reminds me of Spore, and DRM. ok if we want to talk about this we should start another thread, this is pretty off topic from trying to delete a file lol.

  4. hmm everyone is talking about web restrictions, but they could run programs and stuff. Did anyone else have workstations in highschool?

    Like they weren't real computers. they had VIA procs, no on board hard drive, and like 128 megs of ram. They didn't even have the OS installed locally I don't think. I think they were kinda like a monitor and keyboard connected to a network card. Those things were really goddamn secure, cause they couldn't do shit. Brightly colored web pages slowed these things down. Maybe you could have run an .exe on them, but it would probably catch on fire.

    Our admins didn't have to block websites, it was such a pain in the ass to get anything to load you didn't use them for anything you didn't absolutely have to.

  5. My name is uncommon, but not unique.

    Favorite game: Half Life 2: Deathmatch

    Favorite OS: Windows XP Professional (That is a very well informed decision too!)

    Favorite console: Xbox 360 (Its the only console I have ever owned)

    Nationality: US

    Accent: Suave

    Sex: Male

    Age: I can drive, but I cant drink...

    Race: White American

    Height: 6'2"

    Status: Stable, showing signs of recovery

    Favorite artist: Immortal Technique

    Favorite book: Mona Lisa Overdrive

    Favorite Person Reading this: Noone

    Favorite author: William Gibson

    Favorite movie: Layer Cake

    Favorite director: My friend Joel

    Favorite TV Show: Heroes

    Favorite actor: Daniel Craig

    Favorite actress: The girl in Scarface

    Favorite Pinup: WTF? is this the 1920's? Am I painting my b-52?

    Favorite Comedian: Mike Chetland

    Car: 2007 Honda Civic Coupe

    Occupation: Student

  6. The game is awesome! I havn't beaten it yet, but I just

    got on the military cruiser.

    which is so crazy with all the

    guys that move incredibly fast

    and then

    ok at this point im just throwing in stuff

    but she almost

    ooh dont ruin the game and read this

    its really too bad that he


    But yeah, the game is incredibly tense, its really immersive. The first time I played it, I had to stop cause it got dark outside, and i was like, ahhh monsters!

    Really though, watch the movie! Its really entertaining, and the game makes more sense. I dunno if it is worth buying (cause I think its like 25 dollars!!), but if you have a rich friend its definitely worth talking him into getting it.

  7. Talk about horrible timing, my xbox died about a week and a half ago. RROD :( but I found an article on the forum about error codes, and some are fixable, so I'm gonna pull it out of my closet and actually try to get it to work.

    But more on topic, my friends who have working 360's are all loving the new Live, and I have to say, I really like the Netflix integration, but that isn't totally new. The HD capability is though, and I can't wait till I get to see what that is like!

  8. Ahh I just watched the Cartman Tourrets episode of Southpark. With NAMBLA, I know its not exaaactly related. but I admit as I was reading I was really hoping Chris Hanson was involved in the story somehow.

    Have a seat. Just have a seat, right over there, have a seat.

  9. not to be a dick, but jeez, get off warez's back. It's not always, or I would venture to say even usually, filled with viruses and exotic hard-drive rotting STDs. Scene release groups operate almost purely on reputation, so its pretty advantageous for them not to have malware packed in with their releases. That being said I suspect I know what is wrong.

    The error you are receiving is literally exactly correct: the filename is too long.

    did you download it to like

    C:documents and settings/users/yourname/downloads/Gears.of.really.long.filename.with.periods.instead.of.spaces.I.dont.know.why.the

    y.do.that.war/ ??

    so then you try to delete it, and most of the files in that folder deleted, because they have shortish filenames.

    but the file in the error message has a long name, so basically you have a ton of characters in the filename, but windows can only use filenames with fewer than x characters.

    The solution is either a program to do it for you, or command prompt. Just delete it from there. But don't blame warez. Its not about being holier than thou. I mean i know piracy is wrong, but that doesn't make you seem cooler to act ignorant about it.

    Oh, and the unusably long filename... thats why the game wouldn't work in the first place.

  10. Ok, Ive been lurking the forum for a while now, but this finally made me register. I agree with every ones advice on reformatting and learning about secure internet use.


    This isnt your fault,you changing wont stop this guy, the harasser needs to be brought to justice. Therefore you should report this to the police, but first you need to insure they have enough evidence to do something.

    1. make sure you have logs of the conversations

    2. establish his identity. (this is where I'm surprised no one else on this forum offered suggestions!!)

    -the best way for you to establish his identity is to get his IP address. Luckily AOL, and I am assuming by extension you are using AIM, provides an easy way of getting this.You need to "direct connect" with the harasser. It will take a little social engineering, but probably not much. (just off the top of my head, tell him you will send him more nude pictures if he promises to leave you alone.) Once you have established a direct connection with him, open cmd, then telnet

    ===ok guys I need a little help here, its literally been years since I played with this, there is a command to list your computers connections===

    From there you can see a list of the connections and AIM will be labeled clearly, I forget exactly how, but it is obvious.

    You can copy and paste that list, or print-screen. Whatever, just get a hard copy.

    Also print a hard copy of the chat transcripts, and if you are comfortable with it, even the 'shopped nudes.

    Once you have all of this evidence collected, report it to the police. They will very easily be able to find out who this is from his ISP, and with this concrete evidence the police will take you more seriously and also be able to act much more quickly.

    In my opinion its important to stop people who do things like this, if he wasn't harassing your friend, chances are he would be doing the same thing to someone else. If it does turn out to just be some dumb kid the legal system will take that into account, but they will learn an important lesson from this.

    I hope I helped and I hope this situation is resolved quickly and favorably!!

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