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Posts posted by mencargo

  1. Well, I'm developing my own payload because pocket knife doesn't work like it should, I was discussing it inside that thread.

    The OS recognition fails if the Windows is not English, that's why I was thinking about finding "(x86)" at the program files path, although I'm not sure if it's universally named with (x86) at any language.

  2. Hi there, I'm searching for a way to detect if the host OS is 64bit or 32bit.

    Is there any enviroment varable for this? (Available from ms-dos)

    Or any way to detect it with a vbs script?

    I was thinking something like:

    ver|find /c "X.X."


    echo %programfiles%|find /c "(x86)"

    And, just curiosity, why do some usb payloads use "%windir%\system32\find.exe"?

    Isn't find available as default everywhere?

  3. Seems ok, no warnings with Avira,


    File version

    The version I had was

    I don't have Vista tho, I have XP SP3

    How did you get this djimsdaktar?

    Is it possible to have the source code?

    I want to use this for another project.

  4. Do you mean using only one config file for all the stuff? As using a general config file? Will this reduce the payload time consumption? :unsure:

    I mean you can use all the config files you want, one for each script, profiles, etc... But when you have your attack planned, you should be able to save it and create a config file for it.

    I thought the script looked into each .cfg file and read parameters from it, but it only does this with 8 of them (of 40 cfg files aprox), so I think it's not a big deal. With the other cfg files, it just checks if it exists. So in order to tryout my approach I'll have to recode all B) Like pocket-knife alternate version, haha, I'll think about that.

    No passwords are broken during function of the payload... It only extracts the hashes for further work at our own computer. :blink:

    Well, when I open the logs files the passwords appear in clear text, no hashes. This wont consume a lot of time as it's proportional to the weakness of the passwords, and well, we know most of them are, but still it's time.

    Anyway, there are a LOT of errors in the code and I'm seriously considering developing it.

    Do we have access to the Universal Customizer code? Backing up and restoring the whole drive it's just a waste of time when developing.

    @alexthedrifter: Can you call MS-DOS instructions from VBS? I mean something like MS.run("ver|%windir%\system32\find.exe '5.2.' ") ?

  5. Hi guys, first of all I'm new here, so I apologize if I'm out of boundaries and for my not-so-good english.

    I'm a programmer and student of Computer Engineering, specializing at Networks and Security and this "USB Payload/SwitchBlade/Hacksaw/..." called my attention so I made some scripts with nirsoft stuff.

    I recently got a U3 drive so I looked at Gonzor and PocketKnife alternatives.

    Now, thinking as a hacker, if you really want to perform an attack, it should be as fast and silent as possible.

    So this means NO U3 software, use portable software at the flash drive partition, use PortableApps if you feel lazy.

    Use only one configuration file and one script file.

    (You can still have profiles and all the choices you can handle, but the configuration used for the "current" attack should be packed into one file)

    Should consider copying the raw data from passwords instead of breaking them, as it consumes time, this can be done at your own computer.

    By default it opens the logs directory when done... (WTF?)

    It should open the root directory, as this is the default behavior of a USB drive.

    All information about the attack should at least be hidden: logs config menu.bat

    So that the difference of a "normal" USB drive and ours, should only be a delay, hopefully not noticeable.

    I took a quick look at the scripts and I feel that it's wasting a lot of time, I would like to try to recode it focusing on my ideas, how should I publish it?

    And about the errors when windows doesn't find the file, it's about the Start.bat file, not the Go.vbs, changing the code to:

    Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 
    Set objShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
    Set colDrives = objFSO.Drives
    Set objEnv = objShell.Environment("PROCESS")
    objEnv("Year") = Year(now())
    objEnv("Month") = Right("0" & Month(now()), 2)
    objEnv("Day") = Right("0" & Day(now()), 2)
    objEnv("Hour") = Right("0" & Hour(now()), 2)
    objEnv("Minute") = Right("0" & Minute(now()), 2)
    objEnv("Second") = Right("0" & Second(now()), 2)
    For Each objDrive in colDrives
        strPath = objDrive.Driveletter & ":\SYSTEM\Start.bat"
        If objFSO.FileExists(strPath) Then
            objShell.Run strPath , 0, False
        End If

    Will solve this problem, although there are other details...

    (You can place a copy of GO.VBS at the normal drive partition to try it out by double click)

    Is there a way to flash the u3 partition without backing up and restoring the drive?

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