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Posts posted by RICARDOS CLOSET

  1. Hi, everybody this is Ricardo Burress CEO of Ricardo's Closet. I been reading some bad stuff about my website and how it's a scam. Let me just say this first of all you dont have any clue who your dealing with. Second, my brother is Plaxico Burress from the NY Giants and why would I scam somebody for a couple dollars when I can just jump in a Maybach hit the tarmac and hit Miami.... So before you start making up stuff about who I am you better check yourself out first. My lawyer's are checking into this matter and I sure all this information here on this blog will be used against who ever is spreading this rumor mill. If you want to purchase anything from my site please do so if not thats cool I wont lose sleep and my house and car will still be here. So thank you all for helping me spread the word... that my website has just been launched and still under construction. Thank you.



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