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Posts posted by MtMTheCandyMan

  1. So I got this amazing work and installed it on my Relay U3 drive and everything ran smoothly, but when I would plug in the drive it would give me an error saying that the file start.bat could not be reached in go.vbs and it said the error was located on line 16 column 9; the line in which the go.vbs says to run start.bat.

    I edited the code just a little bit and came up with this:

    For Each objDrive in colDrives
        strPath = objDrive.Driveletter & ":"
        If objFSO.FileExists(objDrive.DriveLetter & ":\SYSTEM\Start.bat") Then
            objShell.Run "Start.bat" & strPath , 0, False
        End If

    Now it's not that different, but it got it to understand where the file was. However, it tells me that there's a permission error on line 16 column 9. If I am to understand correctly, there are security features in most OS's that stop VBScript files from running .exe's, how many virii work. Is the OS just not going to allow it to do its job?

    So in the end, I just disabled the U3 launcher and am currently using the non-u3 version by putting all the files directly on the flash drive.

    I would like to use the regular U3 version though, so any help would be appreciated greatly.

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