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Posts posted by Curbob

  1. nice, i am going to be in the area around that time, definitely will check it out

    There are 2 weeks till the deadline for submitting in your talks, we've had a good response to our Call for Speakers but variety is always a good thing .. Head over to CarolinaCon.org and add your talk now!

  2. http://download.netwitness.com

    NetWitness® Investigator is a Windows-based software application that provides unprecedented fast and efficient, free-form contextual analysis of terabytes of raw data captured and reconstructed by the NetWitness NextGen infrastructure. Developed originally for the U.S. Intelligence Community, and now used extensively by Law Enforcement, Defense, and other public and private organizations, Investigator is based upon 10 years of development and deployment in some of the most demanding and complex threat environments.


  3. Subject: Chapel Hill, NC - CALL FOR SPEAKERS - CarolinacCon

    Greetings, hackers, thinkers, makers, posers, spooks, InfoSec professionals, IT slackers, overdrive creatives, and persona non-corporeal!

    "CarolinaCon" is coming back yet again! Yes, for about the price of your average movie admission with popcorn and no drink, YOU are invited to join us for yet another intimate and informative weekend of technology education and mayhem.


    [What is this "CarolinaCon"?]

    CarolinaCon is an annual Technology Conference held with the purposes of:

    - enhancing local and global awareness of current technology issues and developments

    - providing affordable technology education sessions to the unwashed masses

    - delivering varied/informative/interesting presentations on a wide variety of technology and science topics

    - mixing in enough entertainment and challenges to make for a truly fun event

    [When/Where is CarolinaCon?]

    This year's event will be held on the weekend of March 13th-14th, 2009. The event will .mostly. occur at the Holiday Inn in Chapel Hill, NC. Chapel Hill is about 30 minutes from Raleigh, Durham, and Research Triangle Park.

    [Who develops/delivers CarolinaCon?]

    CarolinaCon is proudly brought to you by "The CarolinaCon Group". The CarolinaCon Group is a non-profit organization registered in the state of NC, dedicated to educating the local and global communities about technology, information/network/computer security, and information rights. The CarolinaCon Group is also closely associated with various "2600" chapters across NC, SC, TN, VA, LA, DC, PA, and NY. Many of the volunteers who help develop and deliver CarolinaCon come from those chapters.

    [What events will be at CarolinaCon?]

    CarolinaCon is mainly about the talks (presentations/demos). Alongside of those we'll surely have several other technology-related contests and challenges, as we've had in past years. Details on those will be announced soon.

    [Who will be presenting which topics this year?]

    That's where YOU possibly come in. If you are somewhat knowledgeable in some interesting field of technology, hacking, science, etc., and are interested in speaking/presenting at CarolinaCon, we invite you to submit your proposal (in brief) for our review.

    If you're interested in presenting please send:

    - your name or handle

    - the topic/presentation name

    - estimated time-length of presentation

    - a brief topic abstract

    ...via e-mail to: speakers <at> carolinacon.org

    *NOTE: All submissions are due by January 15th, 2009! The last two years we've had more submissions than time-slots and our "first come and doesn't suck first affirmed" policy kicked in, so be timely in submission if you're committed to being part of the elite cadre of presenters.

    Also unfortunate, as a non-profit dedicated to affordable education we cannot afford to pay anyone to speak, nor cover any related expenses (sorry). However if you do speak at the Con, you will receive:

    - free admission

    - a free t-shirt

    - an invitation to our soiree during the conference

    - minimal fame and glory

    - mad props from staff and attendees

    We value a diversity of ideas, so please don't hesitate to propose your ideas no matter how outlandish.

    [i'm excited! What do I do now?]

    If you're interested in speaking, send the 411 requested to:

    speakers <at> carolinacon.org

    (BY/BEFORE January 15th 2009)

    And if you're interested in attending (or checking out past Con

    topics/agendas), watch this space for more details:


    ...and don't forget to mark the dates on your calendar!


    MARCH 13-14, 2009


  4. the hackthissite guys came to CarolinaCon last year and set up a contest, great group.

    When I read the post title I thought you were talking about an actual hacker lab.. In North Carolina the NC2600 group got together and rented space, we had a T1 hookup and through donations we had an entire rack space 3 servers, you name it.. We had it for over a year, but ran into problems with the company supplying the T1. (they didn't know what they were doing) So as of now all the hardware are in members garages but hopefully soon we'll get another hacker lab together.

  5. I bought a 701 just for hacking it. Looking at all the pics I thought oh that will be easy..

    Opened my new 701, saw exactly how little room there is in there and put it all back together.

    I'm still going to hack it, but it's not a 20 minute job, it's itty bitty in there!!

  6. now that I yer laptop next year you can do some pwning ! I will be doing to Carolina con this year too plan to have rootwarz there too. May goto next years smooo

    So PM me if you have the scene with the interview near rootwars ( with the girl doing obscene gestures ) Will and I really want that LOL ! ( sorry I shouted I could not see the cam in front of Darren and they kept telling me over and over again that it was there but it had just moved ! )

    you weren't suppose to tell

  7. it was a great time and awesome to party with Hak5, Sorry I didn't get to chat with mubix, every time I went looking for him, he was working for the Con (much respect to him for that!) I got very drunk and figured it was time for bed when the breathalyzer said I was .30

    Things that happen at the con are great talks, the 9th floor is a place to just hang out, play rootwars, video games, look at others projects or just sit and talk tech. After all the talks, the parties begin and OH does Phreaknic know how to party.

    Oh yeh forgot to mention it's in a terrible part of town (I.E. watching hookers from the 9th floor) but the good thing about that is, we pretty much get away with anything at the hotel since are are "respectable" ;)

    All in all it's an awesome hacker con!!

  8. very good talk, unfortunately because of talks going long and one speaker not showing (think that was it) Darren's talk happened right when everyone was hungry and headed to dinner, I hope Darren didn't think it was he talk that was the cause for the turn out, it was everyone knew they parties would begin in a couple hours and they had to get food in them.. but the missed a good talk..

  9. im gonna start setting aside a small portion of my paychecks to save up for when these things pop up close enough to goto.

    awesome, the next are ShmooCon, CarolinaCon in Raleigh, NC and Outerz0ne in Atlanta

  10. Idk, I thought it was kinda boring and simple. We haven't had any 'advanced' segments in a long time... sorry to be so negative though.

    Funny though, I'm usually the one for advanced segments, but I for one haven't played with any Ip header stuff so it was good for me, where other networking segments I would want advanced.. so I guess it would be hard to guess what everyone needs.. good thing is the show is weekly so maybe next week will have something for you

  11. yeah i live close enough to road trip to it within a few hours but gas is too high for a crappy car. cant get there. couldnt do it unless i slept on a bench

    I'm heading up from Atlanta, if you're south of Nashville.. and I at least have a floor you can sleep on for free, just bring a pillow and sleeping bag.

    I'm leaving ATL about 7:30 ish

  12. I'm having trouble.

    root@OpenWrt:~# mtd -e "RedBoot config" write out.hex "RedBoot config"
    Couldn't open image file: out.hex!
    root@OpenWrt:~# mtd -e "RedBoot config" write out.hex "RedBoot config"
    Could not open mtd device: RedBoot config
    Can't open device for writing!

    I added the out.hex file after I did the first reboot, (not sure if that worked either). Can anyone help?

    are you in the tmp directory? whe I would ssh in I'd be in the right dir but telnet took me one directory up

  13. Most of the Hak5 crew will be there. Darren, Shannon, Paul, Matt, Chris, Christine, and myself

    I am also a goon this year. So be good kiddies.

    I didn't hear anything about the crew heading there.. awesome.. I'm bringing my 5 foot antenna to hook to my Fon ;)

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