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Posts posted by randyscoffeepotisonfire

  1. I've posted this like 18 times on the rev3 forums, because I'm bored.

    Matt may already know this, but there is code in C# on how to control a VMWare server programatically.


    Was kickin' around CodeProjects and saw a VMWare article that Matt may find interesting, if you're into C#:


    So let's say you'd like to programmatically automate stuff with your VM:

    VMWareVirtualHost virtualHost = new VMWareVirtualHost();
    // connect to a local VM
    VMWareVirtualMachine virtualMachine = virtualHost.Open(@"c:\vm\vm.vmx");
    // power-on current snapshot
    virtualMachine.Login("Administrator", "password");
    virtualMachine.Execute("notepad.exe", string.Empty);

    Not too bad, huh?

  2. Pro C# 2008 and the .NET Platform is an awesome book ( http://www.amazon.com/2008-NET-Platform-Fo...5801&sr=1-1 )

    If you really want to dive into C# and understand it inside out, while learning your way around the XNA framework, I would highly recommend the C#/XNA dvds from 3DBuzz.com ( http://www.3dbuzz.com/xcart/home.php?cat=13 ) This is actually how I learned C#, and the XNA stuff is just an added bonus. The videos are *very* thorough, and there are "Knowledge Reviews" along the way to help you test yourself on the information that has been presented.

    dude, i love that book. i have that and the previous edition. I second the recommendation. Note though that it's a HUGE book. I used that book to get a lifting start on programming for the .NET framework. (Guys, however you slice it, C# and VB.NET all just compile to MSIL anyway)

    From there, branch out into other books (if you're like me, and you have to read alot of material before you *get it*) .. for ASP.NET i got ASP.NET 3.5 Unleashed and when I dove into XNA i got Microsoft XNA Unleashed and Professional XNA Game Programming.

    From there, it's been using the MSDN forums and google to dig up more topics on how to do this or that. Get really familiar with using MSDN online because it's your bestest friend ever when you want to figure something out.

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