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Psionic Fungus

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Posts posted by Psionic Fungus

  1. I'm setting up a small network of computers for a public wifi spot, and would like to set it up so that every time a computer boots, it boots from a static image.

    So any changes that are made to the system will be wiped out every time it is shut down.

    Any saved files, installed programs, etc.

    Will make it so that nobody can install a keylogger or trojan that'll persist throughout days/weeks/months, and will also protect the company for being responsible if something illegal is stored upon their systems. Make it easy for them to be set up, and then require no/little maintenance.

    How would I go about doing this?

  2. If I was running linux, and I wanted it to auto boot into dban would it work? Couldn't I just set the command to "reboot" and leave a dban disc in there, then set it to automatically boot from the CD.

    But is there a way to set up dban to run automatically? Because normally you have to tell it what wipe you want to do and how many.

    Check out: https://we.riseup.net/debian/remotely-wiping-disks

    Might be able to edit the bootable disc to pass those commands during boot.

  3. Serial cable randomly started working again... Need some help again though.

    Been using "Using Openwrt on La Fonera for Dummies" which has helped a lot. But I can't get tftpd32 working.

    Most of the tutorials I've read about how to flash via serial just says throw the files in your tftpd32 folder, start it, and

    load -r -b %{FREEMEMLO} name_of_the_file

    after setting the server ip with

    fconfig bootp_server_ip

    I followed the Dummies guide step by step, didn't work. Then tried it with (which is the only available ip address on the dropdown of my tftpd32 program).

    Both gave me the following error:

    Using default protocol (TFTP)
    __udp_sendto: Can't find address of server
    Can't load 'openwrt-atheros-vmlinux.lzma': some sort of network error

    Which I understand since I can't "ping -h" that address. Or any other address for that matter.

    How can I get tftpd32 working so that I can debrick my Fon?

  4. Bricked my fonera hardcore abit ago. Been waiting for my usb cable to arrive.

    I made myself a USB-To-Serial cable. Got that working. Finally got into Redboot.

    Following the Piranha Install and this is what I get in the output.

    RedBoot> ip_addr -h -l
    IP:, Gateway:
    Default server:
    RedBoot> fis init
    About to initialize [format] FLASH image system - continue (y/n)? y
    *** Initialize FLASH Image System
    ... Erase from 0xa87e0000-0xa87f0000: .
    ... Program from 0x80ff0000-0x81000000 at 0xa87e0000: .
    RedBoot> load -r -b %{FREEMEMLO} openwrt-atheros-vmlinux.lzma
    Using default protocol (TFTP)
    __udp_sendto: Can't find address of server
    Can't load 'openwrt-atheros-vmlinux.lzma': some sort of network error

    So I know it is a problem with tftpd32. However, I don't know what. Here are the screenshots of all my settings and the files in the root folder.






  5. Nope, never used Secunia PSI. Just downloaded and am now scanning my system. I obviously have my IE locked completely down as it couldn't run initially as IE was blocking everything it tried to do.

    I knew about SpyBots immunize feature. And I completely agree with you, everything should NOT be trusted, and should only be added to the trusted list on a case per case basis. And only if it is necessary for the site to function properly.

    But I'm looking for a way to create a config file, or a batch file, or something, that'll make it incredibly easy to transfer my zones configurations to other computers.

    Any pointers on that?

    EDIT: Found GRC's "TrustPuppy" which isn't exactly what I'm looking for, but much closer than manually configuring everything. However.... Can't seem to reach the download page. Four-Oh-Four

  6. I've recently switched back to IE, and have really embraced the power behind Internet Explorer's trusted zone security settings.

    Even if I am visiting a webpage that is in my trusted zone (i.e. Hak5.org) and there is an embedded webpage somewhere within the "trusted" site, IE automatically uses the restricted settings for the embedded one. Microsoft seems to have pulled this aspect off in a much more elegant manner than most of their products.

    Anyway, I digress. I'm looking for a way to set up IE's Trusted Zones automatically, whether it be via a batch script or anything else for that matter, but can't find any information on it out there... Only on how to configure it manually (which is pretty self explanatory, anyway).

    Does anybody know how to go about this via batch scripting (and if so example commands, etc)? Or a site I can be linked to that I've yet to come across?

    Or is there another way to do this? If so, how?

  7. I came across this as I was looking for a way to actually boot my computer via text message.

    I've already set this up using Thunderbird on my computer in order to start and shutdown my secure browsing VPN (Combo of Hamachi and Squid).

    VERY useful when I'm travelling.

    Simple bat files:

    rem Start Squid - The Server Side Proxy
    cd C:\squid\sbin\
    start squid.exe
    rem Start Hamachi - The VPN Tunnel
    cd C:\Program Files\Hamachi
    start hamachi.exe

    rem Shutdown Squid - The Server Side Proxy
    taskkill /im squid.exe /f
    rem Shutdown Hamachi - The VPN Tunnel
    taskkill /im hamachi.exe /f

    I was just tryin to find some way to remote boot and shutdown my home computer itself so that I don't always have to leave it running while I'm travelling.

    Didn't think it was possible to boot remotely.

    Any corrections, people?

  8. I'm looking to expand my horizons and have found a few good sites out there to get started with breadboarding and hardware hacks.

    I'm a complete newbie though when it comes down to this.

    Anybody want to share any links that would get a beginner hardware hacker started?

    • Introduction to Breadboarding
    • Reading Circuit Diagrams
    • Designing Circuits
    • Beginner Projects
    • Anything Else

    Any and all links/tips/tricks/advice would be helpful. If there are a lot of responses I'll start editing this topic in order to keep all the links in order in case anybody else needs help getting started.

    Thanks in advance, everybody!

  9. Okay okay okay!

    Got the X-WRT webif UP and RUNNING!

    Pretty graphs and everything!

    I issued an "opkg -recursive remove haserl" in order to completely uninstall haserl and the current webif

    I then found more up to date packages online than the ones that were linked to in the step-by-step wiki.

    The ones in the package are haserl_0.8.0-2_mips.ipk, and webif_0.3-10_mips.ipk

    The packages I downloaded:





    Downloaded those, and opkg installed.

    Threw one error:

    Installing webif (0.3-4709) to root...
    Configuring webif
    Collected errors:
     * Could not obtain administrative lock
    Committing new firmware id ...
    Device: Generic
    Committing new device id ...
    SUCCESS! Webif^2 installation appears OK. Welcome to X-Wrt!

    Was concerned with that, but went ahead and popped on over to to check out the Jasager to make sure that still worked (Didn't want to break the one webif that was working for me, hah) and then hopped over to to check out the X-WRT webif. Oh MY GOODNESS!

    It worked! But it was minimal and didn't look very pretty, so I downloaded webif-theme-xwrt_0.3-4709_all.ipk, which is located here: http://downloads.x-wrt.org/xwrt/kamikaze/8....3-4709_all.ipk

    Installed that, and voila! nice and pretty and have access to both interfaces!


    I did all this through ethernet instead of wifi. Rebooted after that. Still worked via LAN, but I cannot access the pages via WiFi.

    Any idea how I correct that little problem? (VERY little problem when compared to the hassle I've been given so far, haha)

  10. Something will have gone wrong during the install, hence the error messages. It may say ok but really it failed.

    That's what I don't understand. ... Those errors don't make sense. Those files are THERE. Ugh.

    Anyway, these are the only errors the webif opkg install throws (Besides mips unknown, which I'm pretty sure shows up in the step-by-step wiki too, so it shouldn't be a problem):

    cat: can't open '/etc/ipkg.conf': No such file or directory
    //usr/lib/opkg/info/webif.postinst: line 228: ipkg: not found
    /usr/lib/webif/webif-mklanglist.sh: line 5: ipkg: not found
    /usr/lib/webif/webif-mkthemelist.sh: line 4: ipkg: not found

    So I only need ipkg.conf, webif.postinst, webif-mklanglist.sh, webif-mkthemelist.sh.

    root@OpenWrt:/# ls /etc/ipkg.conf
    root@OpenWrt:/# ls //usr/lib/opkg/info/webif.postinst
    root@OpenWrt:/# ls /usr/lib/webif/webif-*
    /usr/lib/webif/webif-mklanglist.sh   /usr/lib/webif/webif-mkthemelist.sh

    So all the files are there... I don't understand what is going on...

    So I don't understand why it isn't working. All the files that it throws errors over do exist, and are where they say they are.

  11. I used the windows client to flash the firmware.


    What client are you using to flash your fon? windows or linux?

    and what files are you flashing?

    Using windows. Tried FonFlash and Freifunk's EasyFlash.

    Tried reflashing with default FON firmware from the fon site (Loader, Image, image2) using FonFlash

    Tried reflashing with Jasager v2, Piranha 2 alpha4 as well using both flashing utilties (FonFlash and Freifunk's EasyFlash).

    Giving me the "Telnet for Redboot not enabled." error and refusing to flash, on all firmwares with both utilities.

    I know SSH is enabled because I'm using it. But when you initially flash you have access to telnet into redboot, but then you enable ssh which causes telnet to be disabled. How do I disable SSH so that telnet is reenabled?

    Not sure why it is suddenly giving me this error as I have flashed multiple times and never had to disable SSH and reenable telnet. Just my guess at a solution is all.

  12. Also have a secondary question:

    Not sure how this changed, as I never had a problem with it before: flashing, fiddling around, reflashing.

    Now that I've come back to this project I decided to start from scratch and possibly try the Piranha 2 alpha4 firmware... However I keep getting this:

    "Telnet for Redboot not enabled."

    whenever I use FonFlash or Freifunk.

    I can SSH into the FON.

    How do I disable SSH and reenable telnet instead?

  13. I had this idea a long time ago and fiddled with it before getting too aggravated with antivirus deleting my payloads.

    I know you can set a drive letter for your external drives through Administrative Tools > Computer Management > Storage, and I'm fairly certain it retains the drive letter you set to it, as my external TB drive is ALWAYS W:, no matter what computer I plug it into.

    I suppose you could do this to the USB partition and set it to a drive letter that almost never gets used.

    There'd be a chance, slim but still a chance, that the computer you plug into would already be using that drive letter, I.E. W:\, and it'd get reassigned but that's a small chance.

    You could then edit your payload to use your custom drive letter, i.e. W:\?

  14. Hey guys, started putting together my own pineapple awhile ago and got distracted by life... I'm back at it.

    I flashed the Fon2201 properly with the Jasager v2 firmware. Have access to the Jasager webif at

    However, to set up ICS properly (from what I can tell) I need access to the OpenWRT webif as well, and if I recall correctly Robin Wood(digininja) told me I had to install that seperately. Here is what I did and my results.

    SCPd over haserl_0.8.0-2_mips.ipk AND webif_0.3-10_mips.ipk to /tmp/

    opkg install both of them from root

    Doesn't work so I cd to /tmp/

    opkg install works. But here is the output:

    root@OpenWrt:/tmp# opkg install haserl_0.8.0-2_mips.ipk
    Installing haserl (0.8.0-2) to root...
    Configuring haserl
    root@OpenWrt:/tmp# opkg install webif_0.3-10_mips.ipk
    Installing webif (0.3-10) to root...
    Configuring webif
    Linux OpenWrt #20 Sun May 3 13:07:35 BST 2009 mips unknown
    Linux OpenWrt #20 Sun May 3 13:07:35 BST 2009 mips unknown
    system type             : Atheros AR2315
    cat: can't open '/etc/ipkg.conf': No such file or directory
    Linux OpenWrt #20 Sun May 3 13:07:35 BST 2009 mips unknown
    //usr/lib/opkg/info/webif.postinst: line 228: ipkg: not found
    /usr/lib/webif/webif-mklanglist.sh: line 5: ipkg: not found
    /usr/lib/webif/webif-mkthemelist.sh: line 4: ipkg: not found
    Committing new firmware id ...
    Device: La Fonera (ACCTON MR3201A)
    Committing new device id ...
    SUCCESS! Webif^2 installation appears OK. Welcome to X-Wrt!
    You may need to do a hard REFRESH to clear old CSS style from your browser.
    Reinitializing httpd ...

    eeeeeeeewww, got a lot of ipkg not founds. But it did say SUCCESS so let's try it out.

    I go on over to and it shows me the login, and I login properly. Get punted to the pure black screen that says it is redirecting to the main page (attached a jpg with it in case I didn't describe it properly to prevent confusion).


    Then it redirects me to a purely blank page.

    Cleared my cache and everything (not sure exactly what it means by a hard REFRESH) and also reset the router. Same results.

    Any ideas peoples? Anybody run into the same thing?

  15. lol! those are awesome. hey how about this one?.. DAMNED! they took it out!

    used to if you searched on google maps from let's say new york to france, it would tell you how to get to the harbor and then tell you to swim a shit-ton of miles till you get to the english shore :P

    btw.. presidents and assholes? ya know what's sad about that? I have played it before :P


    Kayak across the Pacific Ocean. 3,879 mi
  16. I looked around for awhile for a utility that'd do this for me, without me having to open, and resave, each individual document.

    Finally found a way, that is built into Word 2007.

    Instructions can be found here.


    Quite easy to modify the macro to work the other way around, as well.

    Works supremely well. A bit of a memory hog(what do you expect with it opening each itself?), but gets it done relatively quickly. Over 100 docx files converted to doc files in a couple of minutes.

  17. Hey guys.

    Trying to create an offline copy of all the Security Now! podcasts, along with all the related show notes, and transcripts, etc. (Only mp3, pdf, htm/html, and txt files)

    With 198 episodes, with six files each....

    I don't wanna spend all day downloading 1188 files.

    Any recommendations?

    I've looked for torrents, but they don't contain all the files (or at least the ones I've found)

    Any help?

    DownThemAll! plugin for Mozilla Firefox


  18. Hey guys.

    Trying to create an offline copy of all the Security Now! podcasts, along with all the related show notes, and transcripts, etc. (Only mp3, pdf, htm/html, and txt files)

    With 198 episodes, with six files each....

    I don't wanna spend all day downloading 1188 files.

    Any recommendations?

    I've looked for torrents, but they don't contain all the files (or at least the ones I've found)

    Any help?

  19. I dont know about the acer aspire one but on the acer aspire 5100 the atheros ar5007eg chipset does not support monitoring mode. So if your looking to do this not gonna work.

    The AR5007EG does support monitor mode(I was concerned about it not supporting monitor mode as I read about.).

    There are no windows peek drivers for the AR5007EG.

    However under linux, once you initialize monitor mode on wifi0, it creates a virtual interface of ath0 in monitor mode, and you can go from there, and crack all the wifi you want.

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