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Posts posted by calhoun_ftw

  1. Who will hosts the images? I think the IP.Gallery makes your site the host as it lets you upload them through the software.

    I don't think who will host them is an issue with services such as TinyPic available?

  2. Yeah, I have been using it for a long time now, but that's not exactly the best comparison. For example, Wess made a home made, bar top arcade system. Then about, oh, I don't know, a year or so later Patrick builds an arcade cabinet with mame.

    So, yeah, OpenDNS is not new, and not everything they cover is relatively new per say, but they usually bring us usefull stuff as it's emerging if not totally n...

    I am not trying to argue, I agree completely that Hak5 is running ahead of the pack. I was just being a smart ass. Don't really want to argue with you when we both agree. ;)

  3. Im not sure if that is a compliment or insult.

    It was def. meant as a compliment to Hak5, Hak5 is a much better show then Tekzilla.

    I stopped watching Tekzilla and Systm because it was stuff I had either already seen somewhere, or Hak5 already covered it in some form.

    Are you serious episode 4x02 covers fricken OpenDNS... OpenDNS is older than the internet. Nothing against OpenDNS, or covering it, but talk about a dated topic.

  4. There are not a lot of ads on Rev3 shows. The only reason that some smaller IPTV shows don't have a lot or any sponsers is because they don't have the viewers to pull that off. But seriously, I just watched a DiggNation, about an hour long, maybe 2 minutes of ads, come the fuck on 1 minute for 30 minutes.

    I mean when you watch regular TV, you get 15 minutes of ads for 15 minutes of show.

    Also, someone said something about how Hak5 was going to 'do it better than Rev3' which is a noble idea, however it is like comparing apples to oranges, Rev3 is a channel, yes. But Hak5 isn't a channel with many different shows, it is just 1 show. A better idea is, 'we are gonna do it better than Tekzilla.' Because they are both actually shows, and I mean, Hak5 rapes Tekzilla.

  5. You said you were out of highschool, not sure if you mentioned college, but I'd highly recommend going to a 4yr college in CS if you were really serious about software development as a profession.

    This is some great advice as I have been wondering if I should go back to school.

  6. I don't have any examples of what I tend to get really frustrated with because, I never really bookmark those places. However, the coding challenges might be a good thing to participate in, because I do have a lot of rust to shake off. Anyways, thanks for the response! Maybe its just that I see advanced users and I wonder why I am not already advanced, like it should have just happened or something, lame, I know.

  7. So everyone, let me set up my question a little. Back in high school, couple of years ago. I was very big into programming, they had classes but I was always ahead of the class because of its slow paced teaching style and general noobiness, not only of the class, but of the teacher. Back in those days, I was interested in every thing from writing little programs to make my day better, but also more hackign type stuff, like how to hack and all that crapola. So cause of all this, I know alot of web stuff: (X)HTML, CSS, JS, all that crapola. As well as knowing and haveing about 2 years experience writing general programs in VB, C++, and Java.

    Anyways, after watching some Hak5, I feel this inspiration to get back into programming hardcore (kinda fell away into a more general advanced user type of feel going on, hope that makes sense). Also, I am especially interested in the darker ways of it all, but everywhere I read they suggest using a language I don't know, which is fine, I'll learn. But the actual content, and the concepts of everything they show is overwhelmingly complex for me. I don't know if I'm stupid or if there is some type of steep ass learning curve that I just can't get past.

    So what I am looking for, if you all could be so kind is: Some general information, your past experiences, where to go for a kind of buffer between where my skillset is and how to get into that higher stuff that is above me. And, I don't mean for hacking stuff, I mean that could be cool and all, but i really just want to program big things, and I feel that concepts of doing things like this, is above me right now.

    I don't know, I hope this isn't stupid, and would welcome all input. kthxbye

  8. I love it when I look through this thread, and find out about how some of you hate Rev3 SO MUCH. But apparently you are watching episodes, right? I mean you say that all of the shows are like scripted ads or something. What is that? I am a long time Rev3 show watcher, I have been watching DiggNation since there very beginning. I have seen them go from immature weakling little shows in crappy quality, like early early early stuff theBroken. Now they have evolved because revenue stream is high and content quality is also high.

    And someone said that ALL Rev3 shows open with xxx sponsers, 1 fake sponser. The only other show on Rev3 to do this format is DiggNation. And, if this is new to hak5 (im gonna watch old eps, just don't have time yet). Then it is a blatant rip off of that success and funny format.

    I understand that you all have to be afraid that changes are a coming. But, as Darren has said in multiple forum posts, on cam, ect. Rev3 has not bought the show, it is a partnership.

    Now about the G4-iscizing that i read about earlier, please try to remember a time when Kevin Rose was just a guy hosting The ScreenSavers on TechTV, and is quoted for not liking the changes that G4 rolled in, same with Alex. Why would a man who understands how messed up that is, go ahead and do it?

  9. I pirated this game so I didn't have to worry about DRM. However, I have played it to the Space Stage, and have it all rigged up to be uber rich. Yadda yadda to the point: There is truly not winning this game. Even when you get to the center of the galaxy, its almost like... who cares about the item you get...? You can already do everything that item gives you, and you go through so many resources getting through the Grox, that you'd have better off just started trying to have every single world inhabited by your species. The game is fun, and can be challenging on Hard, however, it lacks in a good story, good controls, and a conclusion. Fuck Spore.

  10. Well, I can attest to the flood of new people coming, such as I am a new person. However, I think that the joining of Hak5 into Rev3 is FTW.

    Now about if the site hak5.org will stay around. Hell yea it will. Just look at totallyradshow.com They are a Rev3 show primarily, and were created as one, but maintain a separate web site. It can not be bad, the only thing that will even change will be sponsers, frequency of episode production, and quality, seeing as every other show on Rev3 is in HD, it almost puts a burden to go that way on Hak5.

    I don't mean to sound like a fanboy, only a realist. :D

  11. Yea, so... I am unsure of how to edit the wiki, so if you would do that for me please anyone? And, add this for me, I'd be grateful, but really just wanted to share this BG i made, its very simple, but at the same time it is very clean.

    So here you go: 2emn4sz.jpg

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