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Posts posted by the_brein

  1. This is probably something I should post on the boxee forums but I'd hate to create an account to ask a dumb question.

    I'm packin an apple tv and I haven't loaded any video on it. Been using it as my stereo and youtube viewer. I havent loaded video because i hate having to convert the video files to something itunes and atv like. I've gathered that boxee will allow you to stream video from any source on your network. Will it allow you to copy to the apple tv like itunes will? please someone say yes.

  2. Why were shannon and darren switched? mixing it up?

    I'm cool with segments spanning multiple episodes. If the show was still done every month (and late most of the time) then it might have been a problem. But since it's every week, it's ok.

    Packet sniffing. it was inevitable.

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