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Posts posted by Xander

  1. I'm running them from the module gui. I first run urlsnarf and after that in another browser tab I run the sslstrip. When the sslstrip is enabled, urlsnarf cannot print any output..and I must set it to off.
    I have the modules installed in USB.

    How do you succeed to fix that issue when you have this problem?

    I don't, haha. I still experience the issue, I was just stating that I've only tried it through the gui when I have the problem

  2. I would actually really like an ubertooth forum. There's not much of a community online for it that I've seen and no one really discusses it on here, but I think it'd be cool if there were a few episodes on possible uses for the ubertooth and general bluetooth hacking in general. It seems pretty cool

  3. Figured out the solutions to some of my problems. The sslstrip and nmap infusions not installing seemed to be a problem with not enough space and the external usb not mounting correctly. Unfortunately since the interface didn't show me an error I didn't know how to fix it until I tried installing them manually using opkg.

    As for the karma issue, it seems to be working more consistently now, not sure why it was working so funky before.

    Still would like to know, though, if I can serve up files for phishing from the usb because of storage limitations. Any ideas? Thanks

  4. So I just recently got the WiFi Pineapple (Mark IV, upgraded to version 2.7) and have been tinkering with it for the last couple days, but I've run into a few snags that I'm not sure about.

    First, I've been installing some of the infusions but have run into some trouble with getting some of them (namely, sslstrip and nmap) to work at all. When I visit the page for sslstrip or nmap, it comes up with a box saying that it isn't installed, and when clicking the links for either installing it on the pineapple itself or on the external usb I have, it will show the title of the box go to "Installing..." for a few seconds, then the page will refresh and it will still say that the module isn't installed (I can provide screenshots of this if necessary). I've tried installing both on the pineapple itself (with free space available) and on the external usb where some of my other modules such as randomroll are stored, but no dice either way.

    Also, I had a question about Karma. When I start it on the Pineapple, on certain devices, like my Macbook, public SSIDs I've been on (such as the local library, coffee shops, etc) are populated in the networks list, but on other devices such as my iPhone and my Ubuntu laptop, SSIDs I have previously been on don't populate (although, on my iPhone, if I add a new, fake SSID such as totallypwned it *will* see that one and will be able to connect to the pineapple through it). Is this normal behavior?

    Lastly, I had a question about how to go about testing phishing. In the episode about it (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3uNdu9TM3HM) Darren is able to put his phishing files in the /www/ folder, but, for me, I don't seem to have enough space to store them there, even without infusions installed. Is there a way to store those files on the external usb? Or do they have to be located in /www/? This would be nice as I would have more space to add even more pages, but i'm not sure if it's at all possible.

    Thanks for any and all help!

    ~ Alexander

    Here's some additional info if needed:

    • Pineapple Hardware Version (ex: Mark III, Mark IV, etc.): Mark IV
    • Pineapple Software Version (ex: 2.5.0, 2.6.4): 2.70
    • OS used to connect to the pineapple: Backtrack 5 laptop connected to and sharing internet with the pineapple over ethernet

  5. The answer is in your post:

    Sat Dec  5 23:53:46 2009 Cannot open ~/interceptor/dh1024.pem for DH parameters: error:02001002:system library:fopen:No such file or directory: error:2006D080:BIO routines:BIO_new_file:no such file

    you need to make sure this file is in the correct place.

    Thanks, got it working. For some reason when the file locations in server.conf started with ~/ it didnt see them. So i manually put in their full address and it worked great!

  6. Alright so I got my interceptor hooked up to one of the computers on my network (running ubuntu). Now, I also have an ubuntu virtual machine running on my mac which will be picking up the traffic. I followed all the steps at hak5.org/interceptor and am able to successfully ping and also am able to ssh into it as root. However, once I execute startup.sh on the VM it doesn't create the tap0 interface! I have OpenVPN installed and everything. Here's the output of the startup.sh execution:

    alexander@ubuntu:~/interceptor$ sudo ./startup.sh 
    [sudo] password for alexander: 
    Starting vpn server
    Sat Dec  5 23:53:46 2009 OpenVPN 2.1_rc11 i486-pc-linux-gnu [SSL] [LZO2] [EPOLL] [PKCS11] built on Mar  9 2009
    Sat Dec  5 23:53:46 2009 Cannot open ~/interceptor/dh1024.pem for DH parameters: error:02001002:system library:fopen:No such file or directory: error:2006D080:BIO routines:BIO_new_file:no such file
    Sat Dec  5 23:53:46 2009 Exiting
    Giving server chance to start
    Starting remote services
    The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
    RSA key fingerprint is d4:22:c4:cb:d5:52:83:d4:7b:18:c1:8c:ae:05:73:22.
    Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
    Warning: Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
    root@'s password: 
    Sat Dec  5 23:53:00 UTC 2009
    Sat Dec  5 23:53:02 2009 OpenVPN 2.0.9 mips-linux [SSL] [LZO] built on Feb  2 2009
    Sat Dec  5 23:53:02 2009 IMPORTANT: OpenVPN's default port number is now 1194, based on an official port number assignment by IANA.  OpenVPN 2.0-beta16 and earlier used 5000 as the default port.
    Sat Dec  5 23:53:02 2009 WARNING: No server certificate verification method has been enabled.  See http://openvpn.net/howto.html#mitm for more info.
    Sat Dec  5 23:53:02 2009 WARNING: file '/interceptor/openvpn/client/client1.key' is group or others accessible
    Sat Dec  5 23:53:02 2009 LZO compression initialized
    Sat Dec  5 23:53:02 2009 Control Channel MTU parms [ L:1574 D:138 EF:38 EB:0 ET:0 EL:0 ]
    Sat Dec  5 23:53:02 2009 Data Channel MTU parms [ L:1574 D:1450 EF:42 EB:135 ET:32 EL:0 AF:3/1 ]
    Sat Dec  5 23:53:02 2009 Local Options hash (VER=V4): 'd79ca330'
    Sat Dec  5 23:53:02 2009 Expected Remote Options hash (VER=V4): 'f7df56b8'
    Sat Dec  5 23:53:02 2009 NOTE: UID/GID downgrade will be delayed because of --client, --pull, or --up-delay
    Sat Dec  5 23:53:02 2009 UDPv4 link local: [undef]
    Sat Dec  5 23:53:02 2009 UDPv4 link remote:
    Sat Dec  5 23:53:02 2009 read UDPv4 [ECONNREFUSED]: Connection refused (code=146)
    Sat Dec  5 23:53:05 2009 read UDPv4 [ECONNREFUSED]: Connection refused (code=146)
    Sat Dec  5 23:53:06 2009 read UDPv4 [ECONNREFUSED]: Connection refused (code=146)
    Sat Dec  5 23:53:09 2009 read UDPv4 [ECONNREFUSED]: Connection refused (code=146)
    [-] Daemon mode set
    [-] Interface set to br-lan
    [-] Log filename set to "daemonlogger.pcap"
    [-] Tap output interface set to tap0[-] Pidfile configured to "daemonlogger.pid"
    [-] Pidpath configured to "/var/run"
    [-] Rollover size set to 2147483648 bytes
    [-] Rollover time configured for 0 seconds
    [-] Pruning behavior set to oldest IN DIRECTORY
    -*> DaemonLogger <*-
    Version 1.2.1
    By Martin Roesch
    (C) Copyright 2006-2007 Sourcefire Inc., All rights reserved

    Any idea why this is? Thanks in advance!!

  7. I saw a similar topic like this but it wasn't exactly the problem I'm having. I recently tried to use arpspoof on backtrack 4 running in vmware player because I wanted to try out sslstrip from episode 610. The victim computer was another virtual machine running windows xp. The ip address of the victim was and the ip of the host was I had backtrack set to bridged replicating the physical network in vmware, and i believe the same for the victim computer. The problem happens when I start the arpspoof and the internet connectivity on the victim just drops out for some reason making it impossible for it to get to any websites which is an obvious problem since i'm trying to use sslstrip :P. Any ideas on why this is, or what I can do to fix it? Cuz the only way i can really run backtrack right now is through a VM so it would suck if i couldn't get this to work. Thanks a lot!

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