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Posts posted by BigJohnny

  1. thats very kind of you. thanks for the offer. but the site i wanna get up is going to require a lot of space eventually. as of right now ive got like 5 accounts on zymic which will work for now. havent got the site up though. want to get enough content first.

    thing is i have a lot of hobbies and shift from one to the other a lot as well. and the site is going to have files(anything i program will be up), games, pictures, music, ect, ect. and more than likely tutorials and source for all of it. so at some point ill be sucking up a lot of bw and space.

    thanks much for the offer though :) not every day someone offers you something like that lol.

    what kind of space do you need? my package gives me 100GB of space, and 500GB transfer. im in the process of getting my sites setup, so there isn't much being used at the moment.

    If you will be able to start paying in the future, then more space/bandwidth shouldn't be a problem.

    I'm looking to start hosting a few sites, sometime in the future, and this could be benficial to the both of us.

    its all about networking man, and if i can help someone out, then perhaps word of mouth spreads, and things get better for everyone.

    anyway, its up to you, the offer is there and i'm more than happy to help out if i can.

  2. well with my current situation paying for hosting is not an option. though when i do start to pay ill prolly pay with zymic (no offense to dreamhost or anything).

    I can offer you some hosting. what do you need? MySQL? PHP? email? FTP? I can give you whatever you need except SSH.

    I have a resellers account that I use for my own sites, so i can give you the space you need, but support is limited :P

    I dont require any links, or banners etc.

    I just stumbled across this thread, and know that i've been in similar situations in the past needing space, so i extend the offer to you. free space, no strings, you just cant run anything that will chew up server processes or my host will can me.

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