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Rotting Corpse

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Posts posted by Rotting Corpse

  1. I ran across this game when I was looking at pendrivelinux.com. My question is, has anyone tried this game out and if so, what are your thoughts on it. And to expand on this one, what other games have you come across that are small enough to run straight from a USB thumb drive that are actually fun?

    PS: Wasn't to sure which board to post this in, but since it was game related I went with this one :P

    EDIT: Forgot to post the games home site notforidiots.com/SFE/

  2. Nevermind, I figured it out. I just reinstalled Cygwin and looked through all the packages and installed netcat that way. But for future reference, how would I go about installing a package without having to go through the Cygwin setup program?

  3. You can get netcat via cygwin.

    Ok, I've got Cygwin installed and I downloaded the GNU netcat from sourceforege. Now I can't figure out where to go from there. I've tried playing around with both gzip and bzip2 but it can't find the netcat tar file. I have absolutly no idea what I am doing when it comes to a *NIX enviroment, complete newb on this one :unsure:

  4. I've trolled over a bunch of forums and what ever I came across on google. But I can not seem to find a windows port of netcat. From what I gather, my best chances is at vulnwatch.org but for some reason (dunno if its just my browser or the site itself) but it keeps timing out. Can anyone point me in the right direction so I can track down the windows port?

    EDIT: Oh yea, first post! only came across Hak.5 bout a week ago! :P

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