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  1. Problem: Work provides public wifi but it blocks SMTP outbound. Idea: I have a freedompop 4g hotspot. Could I use the wifi pineapple to connect to the public wifi and connect to the 4g hotspot. Then use the pineapple to selectively route some types of traffic over the 4g?
  2. I recently saw this great article on someone using the same attack as the ducky to put files/commands onto a remote server via virtual console. http://thruglassxfer.com/ On the site they have a modified Atmel where they are pushing the keyboard intput via a USB to serial adapter to send the keyboard sequences into the device. Can anyone help me modify either a teensy or my ducky to make this happen?
  3. ok I looked around. There is not a classic crontab setup. There is a single file in /etc/crontab/root and it's empty. I tried putting some stuff into it but I'm not getting any response. SHELL=/bin/bash PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usb/usr/bin:/usb/usr/sbin HOME=/ # minute (0-59), # | hour (0-23), # | | day of the month (1-31), # | | | month of the year (1-12), # | | | | day of the week (0-6 with 0=Sunday). # | | | | | commands" # run-parts 10 * * * * root /bin/date > /tmp/test.txt Also I noticed that the system clock is reset every time the device is powered up. So that means the files would get overwritten using the /root/karma.log$(date) technique.
  4. I found the karma.log in /tmp . After reboot the tmp file is removed. Does karma write it's findings anywhere that is not cleared on reboot? How do I modify karma to auto log rotate?
  5. can I use karma without providing internet?
  6. Sorry this is a newbie question. With the pineapple tethered to a linux host via Ethernet and Karma enabled. Will it provide Internet access to wifi users or just record SSIDs being requested?
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